I want to anonymize a program while preserving its functionality


Oct 4, 2022
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I want to anonymize a program while preserving its functionality.

An intruder will easily see what of interest is going on on my PC for example that I am using a particular security suite.


The (fictive) program (App) "TooGoodToBeTrue_Tools"
installs on Windows 10 i the folder "TooGoodToBeTrue_Apps" as "TooGoodToBeTrue_Tools.exe".
Anyone can see that it is installed and also identify the files associated with it, the program icon and the file type association ".tgt".

I want the program anonymized. Example:
The installation folder is renamed "IDontDoAnything" and the program file "IDontDoAnything_AtAll.exe".
The program icon and the file type association ".idn" must also change.

The functionality must be exactly the same while an intruder will have a hard time discovering that it is installed.

Peace of cake? Not to me!
I have tried to force Windows to comply, but I can't even change the program icon.

Can anyone help? It might also be a concept for a new Windows tool ...
Feb 21, 2023
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If you're wanting to change the name of the directory, then just uninstall/reinstall to a directory of a different name, then changing the shortcut name and icon is doable, and changing the name of the executable can be done, but you can't change the file type association if you want the program to remain functional. Changing the file extensions would make the program not recognize those files anymore. I think what you want to do would require recompiling the program and that isn't something that can be done if you aren't the program publisher, as far as I'm aware. I think it would make more sense to invest in a VPN, and a good third party firewall if you're concerned about your system being intruded upon.

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