Need help with colors

Jun 12, 2016
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Microsoft has left us in the lurch with color choices. I need to make my accent color a pale pink and that is not a choice. I have tried all of your options including "control color" and I can't get the color I want. Therefore I am looking at workarounds that involve going into the registry and editing the Special Color choice. However, using hex codes listed on the Internet, I am getting inappropriate colors. I want to know what color system my computer is using. Is it RGB or CMYK or something else? It is an Acer Aspire TC-705 model with a Windows 10 64-bit operating system. I need to know how I can get an accurate hex no. for the registry code for Special Color. Please don't refer me to your tutorials, they are most unhelpful. Thank you.

Also, I have experimented with a workaround that allows me to use a custom color created in Paint and choose it as a background color. The trouble is I cannot then choose a Picture under the "Fit" choice to go in front of it. The Paint program saves the Custom Color as a PNG. Is there any way to add that color to the background color choices given us in MSN. They are very limited and don't always work with my picture displays. Thank you.


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
Right click the start button and choose Run and in the Run dialog box type
rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL desk.cpl,Advanced,@Advanced
hit enter
Try selecting the pinkish option and playing a bit with
Intensity, hue, saturation and brightness and see if you can get close to something approximating what you are looking for.

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