ntoskrnl.exe Causing Multiple BSOD

Dec 7, 2016
Reaction score
I recently built my own computer and have been having crashes, and them all coming from "ntoskrnl.exe" from WhoCrashed. Here are the dump files. I've tried going through updating all the drivers but not sure anymore.
i have windows 10 64x and an Intel processor


  • Minidump.zip
    993.9 KB · Views: 379


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
I had a quick look through your dump files and they seem to be pointing at Memory Corruption and even those that don't seem to have a memory component, and.....
While this could certainly be a driver, nothing in your list of drivers seem problematic to me and even the one Driver Verifier dump file that I looked at couldn't seem to pinpoint a problem driver.
My suggestion would be to test your memory.
Download Memtest86+ from this location here. Burn the ISO to a CD and boot the computer from the CD from a cold boot after leaving it off for an hour or more.
Ideally let it run for at least 7 passes / 6-8 hours. If errors appear before that you can stop that particular test. Any time Memtest86+ reports errors, it can be either bad RAM or a bad Mobo slot. Perform the test RAM sticks individually as well as all possible combinations. When you find a good one then test it in all slots. Post back with the results.
See this Guide to using Memtest 86+

Additionally, check your hard disk for errors using the native check disk utility
chkdsk C: /R
Combined with the disk manufacturer's diagnostic utility if available.
IF you are using an SSD, make sure you are running the latest firmware.

All your drivers as well as your BIOS look to be the latest versions as far as I can tell and I didn't notice any third party drivers that stood out as potentially problematic.

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