SOLVED NVIDIA Startup Applications

Jul 8, 2017
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I have 4 seperate nvidia programs running @ start up, they are called nvprofileupdateronlogon, nvidia display container ls, nvtmreponlogon and nvtmmon, what do they do and do I really need all of tem?


Mar 4, 2016
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Hi Ghaeng,

Welcome to the Forum.

NVIDIA introduced a GeForce Experience Program a long time ago now, but recently have changed their approach on how this program is run. Drivers from build 375.70 now include some telemetry services which gather real-time data about your use of your drivers which is sent back to NVIDIA to assist them in ascertaining what driver improvements they need before pushing a new update on to you.

Back in November last year it was reported while these telemetry services were running on the Users computer they were not yet sending any data at all to NVIDIA as the switch to this approach was not yet activated on their end. I'm unsure whether it has now been fully activated or not, but here is a brief description to help you decide what you would like to do about it on your end.
  • NVIDIA has three telemetry elements from Driver version 375.70
  • These elements are created as Tasks in the Windows Task Scheduler as follows:
    • NvTmMon
      • NVIDIA Telemetry Monitor
      • Task that runs process from this location:
      • C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\Update Core\NvTmMon.exe
    • NvTmRep
      • NVIDIA Telemetry Report
      • Task than runs process from this location:
      • C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\Update Core\NvTmRep.exe
    • NvTmRepOnLogon
      • NVIDIA Telemetry Report on Logon
      • Task that runs process from this location:
      • C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\Update Core\NvTmRep.exe --logon

  • These three telemetry tasks work together to obtain the following data in real-time from version 3.0 of the GeForce Experience Program onwards [ although as of November 8, 2016 - they had not started collecting it in this manner yet ]:
    • It checks for new drivers and downloads them for you. To do this, it has to check which operating system you’re using, which NVIDIA hardware you have installed, and which driver version you currently have installed.
    • It scans your system for installed games and suggests optimal settings. To do this, it needs to know which games you have installed, how they’re currently configured, and what hardware you have in your PC.
    • It also reports back basic information about how you use the application. For example, NVIDIA can probably tell how many people use the GeForce Experience application to optimize games, how many people use the gameplay-recording feature, and so on.
I can see you have some slightly different names for your Tasks, however from the looks of it, in your case the telemetry tasks would be, nvprofileupdateronlogon, nvtmreponlogon, and nvtmmon. Given your naming of the tasks is different, that suggests that possibly the GeForce Experience Program version 3.0 + is now up and running, collecting that real-time data and sending it to NVIDIA.

In their contract you agree to when installing their drivers, you'll see they state:

Information collected by the SOFTWARE includes, but is not limited to, CUSTOMER SYSTEM'S (i) hardware configuration and ID, (ii) operating system and driver configuration, (iii) installed games and applications, (iv) games and applications settings, performance, and usage data, and (iv) usage metrics of the SOFTWARE ...

It goes on to tell you you forgo your rights to allow this.

If it really bothers you, then you can choose to disable the Tasks by doing the following:
  • Press your Windows key + S together to give focus to your Search field
  • In the Search field type Task Scheduler then press Enter key
  • In the Task Scheduler window that opens, on the left pane. left-click once on Task Scheduler Library to highlight it
  • Now in the middle top pane you will see a list of Tasks alphabetically ordered. Scroll down the list and right-click on each of the three telemetry tasks and select Disable
  • Close the Task Scheduler
  • Next, press Windows key + R together to open the Run dialog
  • In the run dialog type services.msc then click OK
  • In the Services window that opens, in the middle pane you'll see a list of all Services alphabetically ordered. Scroll down this list and double-left-click on NVIDIA Telemetry Container
  • In the window that opens, [1] click the Stop button then just above this button [2] next to Startup type: click the drop arrow and select Disabled, then [3] click the Apply button and [4] click the OK button as in image below:

That's it! I assume the other item you have listed is what runs to control your literal display on your monitor.


For the paranoid read:

For a more objective read:


Jul 8, 2017
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hello thanks for the very detailed explanation.. i have disabled nvtmon and nvtmreponlogon because i do not wish nvidia collects information about my computer... i have two items left nvidia profileupdateronlogon and nvidia display container ls could you explain what exactly this does?

p.s whenever i update the nvidia drivers for my graphics card it reset my calibration with nvidia control panel... is there any way to prevent it from reseting?

I don't use geforce experience..


Mar 4, 2016
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The NVIDIA ProfileUpdaterOnLogon checks your System Profile at logon. If you have updated a graphic driver for example, this will be noted and included in the Profile stored on your computer. You do need this, because when you go to NVIDIA site, their systems read that profile in order to offer you the correct current information and support files that will work on your computer.

The NVIDIA Display Container LS is essentially just a renamed service found in older drivers. LS is short for Local System and the previous name for this service was the NVIDIA Display Helper Service. It creates logs which are stored in C:\ProgramData\NVIDIA directory, which I assume NVIDIA can use when diagnosing issues with your experience, such as screen flickering, or loss of colour quality, or FPS readings etcetera.

Again, I'd leave the Service alone, but if you want to you could change its Startup type from Automatic to Delayed Start, but given how fast Window 10 boots now, you'd barely notice any difference in boot time doing this.

Unfortunately, I am not sure about your last question regarding calibration, given you've chosen to do it via Control Panel. Another Forum member may know and hopefully will respond and let you know.

One last note: When you install the next driver update - whenever that is - bare in mind you will need to disable the Telemetry again, as your current overrides will be replaced when the driver is installed.
Apr 22, 2017
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Hi Ghaeng,

my suggestion is to uninstall the Nvidia Experience Program and just leave the drivers installed, that's what I have on my Nvidia rig!. :)

nvidia drivers.JPG
Jul 8, 2017
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I already have geforce experience uninstalled a long time ago.. I use slimdrivers to update my drivers so do I really need NVIDIA ProfileUpdaterOnLogon and NVIDIA Display Container LS?
Apr 22, 2017
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I noticed that I still have the Nvidia control panel still showing in "Control Panel" although I cannot find out whether it is a part of the drivers package or not?. I really cannot answer your question as I simply don't know, I never use it anyway!. :):)
Jul 8, 2017
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I just tried disabling NVIDIA ProfileUpdaterOnLogon and NVIDIA Display Container LS and as a result, nvidia now refuses to open the control panel, the control panel icon doesnt appear if i right click on the desktop and if i navigate to the nvidia folder with the control panel program then it wont open, so my guess is that they are used for the control panel, so better have them enabled.
Jul 8, 2017
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Should problably add that I have disabled NVIDIA ProfileUpdaterOnLogon without any problems. So the only start up with nvidia I have is NVIDIA Display Container LS which gives you access to the nvidia control panel.

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