"Oops Something Went Wrong" unable to sign into Microsoft Account

Feb 5, 2016
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I've scoured the other threads that have posted about this issue and have tried all of the various things that they said to do, and things that worked for many people, but continue to fail to make a difference in my situation.

When I try to login to my microsoft account, I go from Settings > Accounts > Your email and accounts > Sign in with Microsoft Account instead and I am able to get passed the initial sign in. I get the "Oops, something went wrong.." error when I attempt to login with the local password that I had to set up for my computer when it was on Windows 7 before I could upgrade to Windows 10.

I have tried the following solutions, and none of them have yet to work:
  • Restarting the computer
  • Disabling battery in Device Manager (my battery is built in and I cannot physically remove it)
  • Activated "Use SSL 2.0" , "Use SSL 3.0" , "Use TSL 1.0" , "Use TSL 1.1" , "Use TSL 1.2" in Internet Settings
  • Tried creating a new user (same error occurs)
It is vitally important for me to be able to synchronize the current Microsoft account that I have with this laptop, as this is a travel laptop that needs to be able to access all of my important files for use on the go. Any help that anyone can give to help me through this issue is greatly appreciated.


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
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I'm not sure if this applies, but....
The only time I have ever ran into this particular problem was when I had an existing account on the computer that had been previously associated with my Microsoft ID and I attempted to add a new user and associate that account with the same Microsoft ID.
I got the same Oops error at the same place.
Personally, I'd take some time and clean up the user accounts on the computer.
That will likely entail your deleting any potential accounts that may be conflicting.
I strongly recommend that you backup any and all critical data in those profiles before deleting them, even though the process allows you to keep the files, I wouldn't rely on that.

Please make sure that you have a single local user account present on the machine that is a member of the local administrators group (not a standard user) or else you at least, at a minimum enable the hidden administrator account before proceeding..
I'd also recommend a disk image, so (worse case) you can at least get back to where you are now.
Feb 5, 2016
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Thank you for your response, I really appreciate it.

I have actually just bought the laptop so there are no other users or accounts there. I literally have nothing to back up or worry about being deleted, the system is completely fresh save for chrome and skype which I've downloaded onto it for functionality (I was receiving the Error before either were installed).
Nov 19, 2013
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"when I attempt to login with the local password that I had to set up for my computer when it was on Windows 7 before I could upgrade to Windows 10."
Are you certain this is the same password that you have previously used for a Microsoft Account - not a local account, as you posted?
Feb 5, 2016
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I am positive. It first asks me to login to my Windows account, which I am able to do without problems, but then it immediately takes me to another window in which it tells me to login with the local password for the computer. I have tried putting my Windows password here, but it doesn't accept anything but the local password - that's when it gives me the "Oops" error.


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
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I assume you have also tried, leaving it blank?
Feb 5, 2016
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Yes I have attempted to leave it blank - it doesn't accept anything but the local password for the admin account.


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
Sorry, I was hoping that we could magically get by this issue but apparently not.
I have actually just bought the laptop so there are no other users or accounts there
If there is nothing on it, then perhaps your best bet would be to return it to the OOBE factory condition which it was in when your brought it home and start over.
Most laptops provide a factory recovery partition and a program to use to completely reset the computer to factory condition.
OR a keyboard combination at startup that will do the same thing.
You might check your documentation or the manufacturer's website for specifics as to how to perform a factory reset of the laptop.
Oct 1, 2014
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It first asks me to login to my Windows account, which I am able to do without problems
When you set a new Windows 10 system up, it tries to guide you into setting it up using a Microsoft Account, which is basically your e-mail address. After that you enter a password. If you skipped that step and used a Local account instead, you would still need to set up the Microsoft Account and password.

If you look at the top of your User page, after your name, it should give you which account you are in and then an option to sign into the other type account. Does that information make sense, like you are on a Local Account and it gives you the option to sign into a Microsoft account?
Feb 5, 2016
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You might check your documentation or the manufacturer's website for specifics as to how to perform a factory reset of the laptop.

If nothing on this thread works, I'm afraid that's what I'm going to have to default to doing. Thank you for your assistance.

When you set a new Windows 10 system up, it tries to guide you into setting it up using a Microsoft Account, which is basically your e-mail address. After that you enter a password. If you skipped that step and used a Local account instead, you would still need to set up the Microsoft Account and password.

If you look at the top of your User page, after your name, it should give you which account you are in and then an option to sign into the other type account. Does that information make sense, like you are on a Local Account and it gives you the option to sign into a Microsoft account?

The Laptop first came in Windows 7 Home edition and I upgraded it to Windows 10 to which everything seemed to work fine. Windows 7 did not require me to login to my windows account - it didn't even give me the option. When I upgraded to Win10, the only option I had was to login with the local account I had set up on Win7.

Upon further exploring, I have also come to find out that I can't even add another user at all, windows account or not. This is the user page, and the account type is listed as Local. When I try to go to add a new user, it give me this screen before I've even attempted to add any information.

I tried to do a system reset using Windows 10 settings; however I have not yet tried to do a factory reset as of yet as my understanding is that it will take it back to Win7. At this point, however, I think that's my next option.
Oct 1, 2014
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I have never tried to use a system without a password. But there is some specific procedure you had to go through to get it to work that way. Maybe one of the other forum members will be familiar with that process and suggest a way to back out or replace whatever changes were made while you were in Windows 7....

If you end up going back to Windows 7 and Upgrading, which you should not have to do, try to set the password up again before you upgrade.

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