SOLVED "Show most used apps" greyed out

Oct 26, 2016
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I don't know what happened or if I have done anything I was not aware of, but the option "Show most used apps" in my start options is greyed out, but only on one computer. I also have noticed that there is a service running with the name:
WpnUserService_5368f which I can stop but not disable due to an error message saying that "the parameter is incorrect" .

The description of this service says:
>>This service hosts Windows notification platform which provides support for local and push notifications. Supported notifications are tile, toast and raw.<<

and the path is : >> C:\WINDOWS\system32\svchost.exe -k UnistackSvcGroup <<

I have not seen this before and would like to know more about it and make that setting active again. I do not even know if these are related...

Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
MS have slipped in another option which is causing the problem.
Open the "privacy" section and you will probably find that, the item "Allow Windows to track..etc" is turned ON.
You will then find that the other setting is "un" greyed. Looks like MS are determined to see what we are up to!

One curiosity, probably not affecting this problem.
I had a look for the service you mentioned, but could only see on called WpnUserService_3d685.
When I googled this service, I could not get any hits. Methinks I will leave it for the moment. Same as yours, though "parameter incorrect"
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