Slow Computer

May 14, 2015
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I have an i5 4690 and it's getting slow. I looked at my startup and I can't make heads or tails from it like do I need Flexera? which is on my startup and I looked it up but can't figure if I need it or not. Maybe I need a faster computer?
Sep 26, 2017
Reaction score
A quick search of the 'net shows that CPU at 3.5GHz, should certainly be fast enough for most uses. How much RAM is installed makes a difference in processing, also using 2 or 4 matched modules allows for dual-channel which can help. Since the computer seems powerful enough a couple of things may help, one is use Task Manager to see what is running [click more link at bottom left] and the other is you may want to consider a clean install, reinstall or system reset at some point. Be sure you have the install discs/files for programs you installed after getting the computer and save/backup any files/data you have created.
May 6, 2015
Reaction score
I googled Flexera and unless your PC is in or attaches to a corporate environment you don't need it I think.
You might remove any antivirus except Windows Defender ( Called Windows Security now). Note that some of them need a specific program from the company to fully uninstall.

Also, if you have things in Startup that you are unsure about then disable their startup, you can do that in task manager to see what happens on a restart.
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