Stopcode: bad system config info

Apr 20, 2019
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I followed a youtube video regarding this and got to the last step which was to copy *.* .. to this folder
I keep getting a message, "The system cannot find the path specified."

If someone could help soon it would be appreciated.
Sep 26, 2017
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It appears your D: drive is the Boot/System/OS drive and some of the System Folders are prohibited having non-System files added. For the Registry backup I'd use a drive not regularly connected to the computer such as a USB Thumb Drive. Or it could be a case of the destination Folder being hidden, may be okay to unhide it but also dangerous in the sense of virus or malware attacks. Regedit has an Export under File which is what I use to save a copy of the Registry then can use the Import later if needed.
Oct 1, 2014
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If you could explain what situation was causing you to mess with the registry.

The location to which you refer may contain an automatic Registry backup. What was the date of the YouTube video?

Currently, I show no files or folders in that location but I do need to verify before I can open that folder. Most of what I know is from Win 7 so Win 10 may use different procedures and locations.

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