SOLVED Unhappy with Task Bar changes

Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
Not so. He said
"Any advice/suggestion would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance" -
I posted what I thought was the reason for what he saw.
His feedback expressed his thoughts, but not whether he had made the adjustments as suggested.

I merely asked him, in my post, where he saw that message. Bighorn was kind enough to show that he had the same .message. Still have no idea why, but it matters not.
Last edited:
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
Not exactly.
His post said
" Any advice/suggestion would be greatly appreciated"
I gave, what, imho, was the reason. In his consequent feedback, he didn't refer to it. I was curious as to whether my suggestion was tried.
The question I asked, which unfortunately led to the new direction, as I thought it possible I had a bad customisation somewhere along the line. It was addressed to the OP. Bighorn gave the answer, but not the solution.
Anyway, seems he is satisfied. No more to be said.

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