Wierdness with Windows 10 Backup

Apr 21, 2017
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Hi folks,

Having some trouble trying to create a system image of my system as I'm getting a "Server execution failed (0x80080005)." error that whatever I try just seems to remain unaffected. I've tried sfc /scannow to resolve issues, checked permissions, but I'm getting nowhere fast, all I want to do is create a system image, yet the Windows 10 upgrade from Win 7 Ultimate seems to be having none of it. I've checked that the backup services are all ok, everything is fine but Block Level Backup Engine always reports Error 0x800700b7, I deleted the SR entry that existed but to no avail, can someone please point me in the right direction as I've been having nothing but problems trying to backup my system with the included tools.

Many thanks and appreciation to anyone that can help.


Mar 4, 2016
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Hi Mark,

Welcome to the Forum.

Have you changed ownership or the System Volume Information folder at all?

This folder, and all its sub-folders must belong to the System for system backups to work correctly.

In File Explorer, if you open C:\ then click the View tab > Options > Change folder and search options > View tab and remove check next to Hide protected operating system file (Recommended) you will be able to see the System Volume Information folder and by right-clicking it and selecting Properties > Security tab > Advanced button you will be able to ascertain the Owner.


Apr 21, 2017
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Hi and thanks for the quick reply, having followed what you've said, the Owner remains a bit of a mystery as it states "Unable to display current owner." I'd have to say that it is unlikely that the ownership has changed as besides the fact it won't say who the owner is, I try to avoid messing around in the root of the boot drive unless absolutely necessary. Gone are the days of editing autoexec.bat, lol
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Mar 4, 2016
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Actually, that is normal and means the System is in control.

You can verify that by attempting to Change to Administrators which will initially throw a bunch of errors at you then will stick, then repeat but the next time remove Administrators, and change back to System - again some more errors.

I would not bother as it appears your System Information Volume is correctly owned.

So that leaves the mystery for now unsolved.

Can you post any more information about the error being thrown at you apart from the error 0x--------? What wording do you see?

Have you checked the Event Viewer by right-clicking Start and selecting Event Viewer to see what errors are recorded there pertaining to this issue. That hopefully can provide a clue to get things going again.
Apr 21, 2017
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Besides what's been said already, they are the only errors Windows produces so far, hence why I've come here as Event Viewer pretty much tells me nothing about anything related to backups. Unfortunately not just the "Create a system image" causes this, but the "Set up back-up" option too; the backup system itself doesn't work as all cause the same 0x80080005 error (probably because they're all using the same executable/system files I'm guessing)
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Mar 4, 2016
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So when you mentioned you deleted the SR I assume you opened File Explorer and went here:
  • %windir%\system32\tasks\microsoft\windows\SystemRestore\

What Security Software are you using on your computer? Some have anti tamper features and it might be that which is causing the System to throw tantrums. Disabling it while you do a System backup would be worth trying.

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