Will someone please explain why I have customer PC's upgrading to windows 10?

May 7, 2016
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I have told everyone not to upgrade to windows 10 because it will take down their entire POS system, I had managed to get GWX control on most PC's but missed a few. Now this week alone Ive had 4-5 PCs upgrade over night and take down the entire system. At first I thought people knowingly did it, but we had a PC in our own office do it yesterday. Is this even legal? How is this happening?
Feb 18, 2016
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It's modern day piracy. MS takes what we have and paid for, a system that manages our lives and businesses,destroys it and leaves us with a broken system.

I think MS could pay dearly if a class action law suit should be launched.
May 6, 2015
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Customers. What does that mean in this context? People you have sold a software package to? People you have sold a service to? Such as managing their machines or something similar?

POS I presume means point of sale not the other common meaning.
Feb 18, 2016
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Welcome aboard, Adam. Your customers were deceived by a two-step process.

1) They agreed to accept automatic Windows Updates, not realizing that MS made Win 10 a recommended update.

2) When offered a choice of installing now or later, they clicked the X that closed the box. That meant that they had accepted.
May 6, 2015
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My comment was obliquely asking: If it is a software package it should be upgraded to work on W10 with any associated hardware...it has been a year. If it is a service contract situation and the machines are used for business then the machines should be running a pro version of Windows with any non-approved updates or upgrades locked out from the users from the start.
Feb 18, 2016
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My comment was obliquely asking: If it is a software package it should be upgraded to work on W10 with any associated hardware...it has been a year. If it is a service contract situation and the machines are used for business then the machines should be running a pro version of Windows with any non-approved updates or upgrades locked out from the users from the start.

Tim It's a microsoft sweetheart deal. Many businesses, (big and small) medical centres, hospitals, medical practitioners, government agencies ...are still running XP; but they are not the majority, we (average Joe users) are the lab rats for pushing MS products. Would you buy a car without a test drive, MS thinks we would and says we will.;)
Feb 18, 2016
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Norton's post makes a lot of sense. Before hospitals, businesses, etc., switch over to any new Windows system, people like us are the Guinea pigs. That way, MS is less likely to be sued.
May 6, 2015
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Yes Vince maybe. But I was asking about adamjohnson's particular situation...which may be as Norton says...although if these people were running XP they wouldn't be getting automatic updates to W10.
Feb 18, 2016
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I believe that MS still supports XP OS in the Business world. Personally, I don't see a need for Windows 10 in the corporate and institutional business world.
May 6, 2015
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MS will support XP, at a cost, for large users. I believe parts of the US military still use XP.

But that has nothing to do with the original posters question. His 'customers' must have been running W7 or W8.1 to get the automatic upgrade offered to them...which is his complaint.
Feb 18, 2016
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Tim, there is an oddity here. I have a legal 32 bit XP on a partition on my 64 bit machine. It gets upgrades about once a month. Online, I am told that this is for MS products such as Office (which I do not have) and Security Essentials (which I do not use).
Jun 6, 2016
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Hi Adam,

In line with Vince Massi's comment, Microsoft delivered Windows 10 to any machine that had Updates set to automatic. But even if you had them set to notify you, it may not have helped. For example Update KB3035583 (sheep) presented itself, in Win 7 Professional 64 bit anyways, as something akin to a bunch of fixes for same(Wolf's clothing), but in truth (being the key word here) looking up the Update in their knowledge base told a totally different story. Nothing was said at all pertaining to fixes of any sort, but rather the KB boldly states it to be the Windows 10 Update ( Wolf). Yup. A big fat lie. I can never trust Microsoft again!

Today's Microsoft (not the company I've known and supported since Dos 1.0 so 35 years) has soiled themselves in a big way. And with the way all the newest features of the great Win 10 lead you to a Microsoft log-in account to download features from A to Z on a monthly or yearly rental basis, it's going to have retired people on a fixed income having to pay software rent til they die. Microsoft you want rent for even Freecell and Spider Solidaire!

The idea about retirement, is to work your life to retire, owning outright as much as you can, to provide for future comforts. I am sure this new creature calling themselves Microsoft would rent us our underwear if they could. On that note, if Microsoft doesn't do something to clean their pants after this one, us fixed income folk might not be the only ones throwing in the towel and heading to Linux. cheers! Allan

Microsoft microsoft microsoft blackberry poof! dust.
Apr 3, 2015
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I believe that MS still supports XP OS in the Business world. Personally, I don't see a need for Windows 10 in the corporate and institutional business world.

MS doesn't support XP in the business world or any world. They also don't support Windows Server 2003 as we've had many projects in the last 18 months moving off of those platforms. We are 98% Windows 7 with some Surface Pro's that are Windows 8.1 and Windows 10. Servers we are Windows 2012 R2 64 (which is Windows 8.1 like) and SQL 2012.
Feb 24, 2015
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I have told everyone not to upgrade to windows 10 because it will take down their entire POS system, I had managed to get GWX control on most PC's but missed a few. Now this week alone Ive had 4-5 PCs upgrade over night and take down the entire system. At first I thought people knowingly did it, but we had a PC in our own office do it yesterday. Is this even legal? How is this happening?
Remember, your license to use the Windows operating system in NOT ownership of that copy. It's only granting permission to install and use on your computer. Most people are not aware of that. So, yes, Microsoft is within their right to do this.


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
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At various times I'm reading that MS does support XP for volume users.
I remember that because so many businesses were using XP based Point Of Sale software, that there was a widely published registry hack (not sure if it was official) that would allow XP computers to continue to receive some updates.
I also know that as recently as last June they signed a multi-million dollar contract with the U.S. Dept. of the Navy to continue to provide security updates
In some "worlds" yes they do.
Feb 18, 2016
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Folks, you have to remember that XP is the Queen of the 32 bit operating systems. It's a powerful and successful OS for obsolete hardware, and a lot of expensive equipment is designed to be run by XP. For two months in a row, Windows 3.1 has shown upon the records, so you know that XP will be with us for a while.
Feb 18, 2016
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I'm keeping my Acer Laptop on XP whether MS support it or not. I wouldn't really use it for browsing, just general purpose household use. That is, recipes for the wife, contacts, photographs, boiler temperature data loggers and transferring files for safe backup to reduce clutter on my main PC. If it should ever fail me I have the PSQ Factory install partition. :D

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