Win10 loses activation every day

Jun 28, 2016
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Sounds odd, doesn't it? Yes, that's indeed the problem that I got since two weeks: Every day, at exactly the same time, the nag text pops up which claims that Windows was not activated. The setup/activation screen (sorry, my Windows is not English, I am translating ad hoc here) simply tells me the same thing, no error code is displayed.

When I click the "problem solving" button and let the check run*, the problem report says it has found a valid licence and wonders whether I had changed the hardware, which is not the case. But when I cancel the check while is is running, the nag text is suddenly gone and the activation screen now tells me that the activation servers were not available.

The event report informs me that at about the time when the nag text pops up, an item called "licensing directive cache" or so had expired because it had not been updated on time, providing an error code 4. I cannot find any information about this error message online.

When I reboot the system, everything is normal, Windows is fully activated again as it should be. But the game would repeat the next day. I don't want to reboot every day at the same time, of course! So how can I find out which process is causing the loss of activation to stop that nuisance?

* two warnings first pop up complaining about allegedly faulty DLLs from the COMODO firewall. I don't know whether or not this is related to my problem.
Jun 28, 2016
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I have noticed that when this happens, the Software Protection is deactivated. All properties are blocked against modifications, only the Start button is available. Clicking it produces an error 1053, "The service did not respond on time." Apparently, this is the root of the problem above.

Does anyone have an idea how to fix that?


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
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"Two weeks" ??
How long has you had the Comodo Firewall issue?
I'm pretty sure that when Windows is "activated" it's activated and that doesn't change.
I'm equally pretty sure that it probably does check daily to make sure that it's "activated".
I suppose that a third party firewall might cause some issue with that process.
Personally, I'd remove Comodo and see if that has any impact on the issue and confirm that the native Windows firewall product is up and running.
I believe we've seen some reports with respect to the native firewall being necessary for some bits and bobs of Windows 10 to work properly.
Oct 26, 2016
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No offense, but a Software firewall can cause more harm than good.The Windows internal firewall is more than sufficient. It can go as far as those "AV-Suites" render your computer useless.
If you have a router, you already have a hardware firewall so there is no need for a placebo software firewall.
Computer security is a concept and not a Software package. The most important piece of this concept is yourself.
Oct 1, 2014
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Make sure your network is being shown as private. A public network may not be acceptable.
Jun 28, 2016
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It may seem then that the firewall blocks the software protection service? Well, actually I think a software firewall is a good idea because I am a bit paranoic about programmes talking online about me without my knowledge, I prefer to have them all blocked. But I will deinstall and see what happens.

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