Windows 10 FCU creates multiple user logins &c

Sep 3, 2015
Reaction score
As was true of the first Win10 major redo update of two years ago, i.e. build number 10.0.10586, the Fall Creators Update of 2017 brought with it numerous glitches. I'm running a Lenovo Z51 laptop, with a 500 GB SSD, 16 GB RAM, & 64-bit Windows 10 Pro. All of the files of course downloaded & installed automatically, per my specification in Settings.

1) Outlook accounts got jumbled, ALL having to be deleted and recreated, and still not working properly, with Contacts for my primary Gmail account STILL displaying as a secondary account on startup.
2) My custom dictionary in Word, of Office 2013 Pro, something that took me, as a writer/author, several years to build, got deleted. Needless to say, RECREATING it is going to take at least months, as I cannot take time our from actual composition to add all foreign, "archaic," and otherwise special words.
3) My login suddenly got an extra/duplicate account (which shows in NO setting, or anywhere else, even in the Registry!); I've now gotten the Lenovo to at least start up without my having to choose between the two "accounts," real and ghost.

I'm sure I haven't yet found ALL glitches. MS, when are you going to produce a fully vetted (to use the now supremely overused term) Windows?!?! Upgrade?!?!


Sep 22, 2014
Reaction score
1) Outlook accounts got jumbled, ALL having to be deleted and recreated, and still not working properly, with Contacts for my primary Gmail account STILL displaying as a secondary account on startup.
This is exactly why I use an online email service (I use gmail) in conjunction with my email client (outlook 2016). This way I have a back up of all my contacts and in import/export as I see fit.

2) My custom dictionary in Word, of Office 2013 Pro, something that took me, as a writer/author, several years to build, got deleted. Needless to say, RECREATING it is going to take at least months, as I cannot take time our from actual composition to add all foreign, "archaic," and otherwise special words.
Perfect example of why you should have a portable HDD for data backup or at the very least backup your data to a USB drive.

With all your issues from the previous OS upgrade and with this OS upgrade, which I assume you mean CU and FCU. I would really consider doing a factory clean install on your laptop. You will need to backup what ever data you want to keep.

Sep 3, 2015
Reaction score
This is exactly why I use an online email service (I use gmail) in conjunction with my email client (outlook 2016). This way I have a back up of all my contacts and in import/export as I see fit.

Perfect example of why you should have a portable HDD for data backup or at the very least backup your data to a USB drive.

With all your issues from the previous OS upgrade and with this OS upgrade, which I assume you mean CU and FCU. I would really consider doing a factory clean install on your laptop. You will need to backup what ever data you want to keep.

Yeah, bassfisher6522, I know, I know, to all your remarks! I've been doing this computer thing since long before Windows 3.1, including a short stint with mainframes when just out of high school. I too use the Web-based Gmail, but my primary is the onboard client, Outlook, as the nimbusly named "Cloud" (just another cutesy techy term for Internet) is no good if Internet connection is down, and I need to access already downloaded messages, calendar, &c. I've done so many re-installations, and "factory clean install(s)," I lost count years ago. It' just a serious headache that I try to avoid now, if at all possible. I've got a 1 TB external SSD, and used that when I swapped out the factory-installed hard drive for an internal SSD.

As of right now, it seems that I'm going to be able to keep to my writing schedule, modified, and fix or work around at least most of the damage. I'm simply hoping that someone might come up with actual, REAL fixes, and not have to cease my, now, primary work. That's really why MS and other developers/providers REALLY need to do ALL their homework before letting loose their latest and greatest. In IT departments, particularly of large organisations, it's a nightmare of down time and lost revenue, no matter how good the backup(s).

Still, many thanks for your input, as I may have to bite the bullet and go through all that.

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