Windows 10 installer fails early in installation of MySQL

Jul 9, 2017
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I am trying to reinstall MySQL 8 on a Windows 10 machine. MySQL 8 was previously installed on this machine and worked just fine. A few days ago, the entire modules directory in the Apache installation disappeared. At that point, I uninstalled Apache and MySQL and did a thorough inspection for viruses and other malware. The results for malware were negative.

I then reinstalled Apache which successfully installed. When I attempted to install MySQL 8, however, the installer simply died very early in the installation, when a little dialog box says that it's configuring MySQL for installation. The Windows Event Log identified an Event ID 1000 associated with the MySQL installer failure. At that point, I ran SFC and DISM, both of which found no corrupt files. Nonetheless, I believe that this problem is a Windows problem. There are no issues regarding the MySQL Installer on the MySQL support forums.In addition, the reporting in the Event Logs would indicate Windows errors.

I created an entirely new user profile on this machine and attempted the installation from that profile. The results were identical to what I experienced with the original profile.

I completely uninstalled and reinstalled the entire .NET Framework and ran a complete CCleaner Registry scan and did a full repair of all issues found. I have Malwarebytes Anti-Malware installed and disabled it throughout all the issue resolution steps. After all of these efforts, the MySQL installer (I tried both the Web and the Community installers, both of which behaved the same way) continued to fail early in the installlation routine at the point where it said that it was configuring MySQL for installation. The only thing that changed was that the Event ID changed from 1000 to 1001 CLR20r3. The entire Event Viewer contents follows:

Fault bucket 2190365724986395993, type 5
Event Name: CLR20r3
Response: Not available
Cab Id: 0

Problem signature:
P1: MySQLInstallerLauncher.exe
P3: 5b749705
P4: MySQLInstallerLauncher
P6: 5b749705
P7: 4
P8: 0
P9: System.IO.FileNotFoundException
These files may be available here:

Analysis symbol:
Rechecking for solution: 0
Report Id: 5065a374-cb35-4ab9-b751-565832b6ae78
Report Status: 268435456
Hashed bucket: 16c77f3607d120b16e65be0596014d59

I would greatly appreciate any help, suggestions, or guidance that anyone can offer. I really need to get MySQL installed and running on this machine as quickly as possible.
Jul 9, 2017
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Sorry, that's just standard fair on As anyone installing MySQL should do, I reviewed all the content on their Website before I ever even downloaded the installer. Actually, I first did that about twelve years ago when I first installed MySQL and every time I reinstalled/upgraded it.I use their website regularly whenever I have any difficulty using the product.
Jul 9, 2017
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I have been a member of MySQL Forums for at least 12 years and posted this issue to their MySQL Installer for Windows Forum. Their major advice on that forum was that I should ditch Windows and go to Linux. I had long ago come to that conclusion. The only thing that's keeping me from doing that is a huge investment in Windows-based software which could immediately be replaced with free software of equal or better functionality for Linux and the need to remain compatible with Windows-based software. Every time that an issue like this comes up in Windows, the untold grief and time that it costs me makes me wonder why I continue to function as an unpaid employee of Microsoft debugging their enormously overpriced, terribly buggy, totally dysfunctional software. I estimate that I spend more than 40 hours a week keeping Windows and Office working. On the other side of the room, I've got a horribly aging PC that has been running Linux for more than 15 years with never a problem, never any glitches updating the OS, never even a hint of problems with malware, not so much as a hiccup despite years of neglect. Makes one wonder what level of masochism it takes to stay with Windows.
Apr 22, 2017
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The last time I played around with MySQL was using MythTV on Linux, that is the total amount of time I spent with it and I seem to remember it being a pain!. :mad:

Sorry I cannot be of further help to you. :(:(:(


Oct 27, 2013
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I've had the MySQL installer stop at that same point - normally when a previous instance hasn't been fully uninstalled.

Had you removed the previous version entirely? i.e. remove the service entries and all data/program directories?

I'd try uninstalling it fully and check to see if there are any MySQL service entries or directories (especially in /%appdata%/) that have lingered.

If that fails, you could always just download the .zip manual installer and try using it that way. Or, if you're using apache you could use XAMPP which is an Apache/MySQL combo installer ( I'm using this at the moment :).

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