Windows infinite reboot, NO access to CMD

Feb 3, 2016
Reaction score
Well big issue for me guys...
I own a Toshiba laptop, and change the OS quite often/(format it to different OS). And today I had windows 10 pro... and found a trial for free to enterprise 100% legal from Microsoft site ;) but... I went to install it and after a little bit of installation exactly 12 percent it rebooted and gave me some error about not being a able to delete some pointless .TXT log file in system32, error was: 0xc000000f
I couldn't do anything to fix it I was stuck in reboot and some advanced options like CMD

But now, I don't know what happened I tried to find a way to remove windows from my laptop, changed boot iso in advanced option since I spotted 2 of the same OS in the same partition :O "USB" I installed with USB, but I messed a bit around with those in the start nothing happened but then my windows totally fucked up by making the installation reboot every 1 minute or less where the screen would **** up a little before. And the installation isn't what it would be saying anymore it would say attempting to repair windows, but rebooted each time in 1 min. and even before it rebooted each min it would try to fix it and fail each time.

What I did in steps..
1.Download 90 day enterprise trial from Microsoft site.
2. Put it on my 4 GB USB and ran it.
3. I accepted whatever choose my options and it rebooted.
4. Was installing but at 12 % rebooted to tell me that it couldn't delete som log file.
5. It keeps trying to repair the Issue "only option I have" the 1 other was broke moved screen up and down and twirled it, the 2nd useless.
6. Each time it fails fixing the problem "windows repair" it would give me many more options like cmd and stuff but all fixes for my error was different then what I had 0xc000000f
7. I messed about a little bit with the options and some partition and OS stuff, and somehow fucked everything up.
8. It would start up and try to fix problem and turn of in 1 min after little crazy screen twirl kinda thing.
9. Then auto turn back up laptop and repeat til IDK forever...
10. also tried a lot of other stuff to fix it, none worked or came closer..

Tried everything:
1. I tried the inbuilt Toshiba laptop reset... never heard a beep and was using the keyboard.
2. Tried switching boot device 2 different ways.
3. Tried to put Linux on USB and boot up from that didn't work it forces windows..
4. I have tried the windows F8 doesn't work obviously
5. plugging in and out the trial ISO for the windows.
6. Properly something else I forgot...

What it could be:
I really think it could be my anti virus "Bitdefender" they offer a really powerful anti ransomware, and even stops a lot of useless and strange software on startup.. And blocks anything writing to anywhere on my laptop... or a lot of times for .exes like black ops it asked me if it had the permission to write somewhere... That's the only thing I can believe could mess up my computer, since it couldn't remove sys32 log file :O

Thoughts and strange things:
I found it very strange that the keep files where greyed out and later where avalable i also found it strange that when i went to click some option when i whent to click "forgot option" but after it would tell me the above error: 0xc000000f it let me choose 2 things 1 was like someting to do with options but each time i pressed it, it fucked up screen and nothing else or it kinda moved it up and make twireld it or so.

How i installed it:
I downloaded the trial and put it on my usb 4gb and it filled their, then ran it while it was in windows. it asked me if i wanted to clear everything or to keep stuff. but both keep stuff was greyed out, but its ok cuz i wanted to clean it anyways, it later turned of laptop and started.

I got warranty doe!! but..
Well my warranty still works but it was bought in Portugal... and they told me I could just send it their and they would fix it and send it back... but after my logic thought it through i went back to ask another employee and was told that, that would 100% NOT be possible and when I was down there they first said I can't send it back then said I could... I do not live in Portugal :(

Can't u format partitions or drives in the BIOS :O ?!? no right? but that should be added lol.


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
change the OS quite often/(format it to different OS).
Not sure why you do that.
And today I had windows 10 pro... and found a trial for free to enterprise
Or why you would want to go from Pro to an eval copy of Enterprise, but....
My suggestion would be to go here
In the section labeled "Get Recovery Media"
Type in your serial number and get it started your way. IF your warranty is still in effect as you have indicated, it will likely be free. IF not then there may be a nominal charge.
Feb 3, 2016
Reaction score
Not sure why you do that.

Or why you would want to go from Pro to an eval copy of Enterprise, but....
My suggestion would be to go here
In the section labeled "Get Recovery Media"
Type in your serial number and get it started your way. IF your warranty is still in effect as you have indicated, it will likely be free. IF not then there may be a nominal charge.

I will try.. I reset it to get the feeling of a brand new laptop haha and then change OS cuz why not... Thank u doe.


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
Sure.... no problem. Keep us posted as to how to progress.
You may want to adopted a disk image strategy going forward to allow for fast and efficient restoring to a previous state / condition.
Feb 3, 2016
Reaction score
Sure.... no problem. Keep us posted as to how to progress.
You may want to adopted a disk image strategy going forward to allow for fast and efficient restoring to a previous state / condition.

Well I have tried most things nothing seems to work, not even booting Linux on the laptop boots Linux from my USB, even if I change boot device and boot priority.
They state my serial number is wrong so i made a post on their :O with the receipt and image of computer model etc... and serial number.
I bought 2 years warranty but I think it only counts for the store to repair Ohh good god, hope not those scammers damn never will trust anyone as staff in Portugal anymore, they lied to me about being able to send and receive from other country.. bad guys
I really hope I get it fixed laptop was v high priced.. at least for my budget.


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
You may need to go into the System Setup Utility (BIOS) and disable safe boot / secure boot and switch UEFI to Legacy or UEFI + Legacy (or however it is worded), in order to boot the system from legacy installation media or else you will need installation media that supports UEFI / GPT if the laptop is reasonably new and configured as such..
I have no idea what you might have done up to this point with regard to your disk controller settings or the hard disk configuration / partitions nor if it is GPT or MBR.

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