WLAN AutoConfig Error 4003

May 14, 2016
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Two days ago I started having problems with my Intel Wireless AC 7260. Suddenly the internetconnection would dissapear but it was still conected to the router (asus rt-ac87u). I rebooted my laptop and after that he couldn't even find my wireless card.

I tried updating the driver (https://downloadcenter.intel.com/do...ware-and-Drivers-for-Windows-10?product=75439) and sfc /scannow. Nothing helped.
I used a restorepoint and after that it worked for a while but it disconnected again.
I seached through the event viewer and found this error (
WLAN AutoConfig detected limit connectivity, performing Reset/Recover.adapter):

- <Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event">
- <System>
  <Provider Name="Microsoft-Windows-WLAN-AutoConfig" Guid="{9580D7DD-0379-4658-9870-D5BE7D52D6DE}" />
  <TimeCreated SystemTime="2016-05-13T17:46:37.111749700Z" />
  <Correlation />
  <Execution ProcessID="668" ThreadID="1092" />
  <Security UserID="S-1-5-18" />
- <EventData>
  <Data Name="ErrorCode">2</Data>
  <Data Name="Reason">0xdeaddeed</Data>
  <Data Name="IpFamily">0xeeec</Data>
  <Data Name="PortType">0x0</Data>

I've heard the problem might be the router's UPnP, but I think that isn't the problem because i turned it of and nothing changed.
Thank you in advance for helping.


Mar 4, 2016
Reaction score
Hi Tomas,

I noticed your router is an ASUS model. Is your computer also an ASUS built system?

If it is you may need to go here: http://www.asus.com/support to get the driver you require as ASUS may be using proprietory OEM drivers which will differ from Intel's generic driver.

If you install an incompatible driver that can cause the Adapter to become disabled which may explain the disappearance from your Device manager list as well as the disconnections.

Once you find and install an appropriate driver for your Intel Wireless AC7260 you may also want to check there is no firmware upgrade for your ASUS router.

After installing the driver:
  • Right-click the Adapter in Device manager
  • Select Properties > Power Management tab
  • Remove the check next to Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power
  • Click OK


May 14, 2016
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Hi Regedit32,

Firt of all, thank you for helping me!

My laptop is an MSI GS70 Stealth Pro 2PE.
The router has the latest stable firmware (there is a beta version available).
I searched through the router's logs to see if there was something interesting to find, and i only found this...
May 13 19:01:45 miniupnpd[4425]: upnp_event_process_notify: connect( No route to host
May 13 19:43:35 miniupnpd[4425]: upnp_event_recv: recv(): Connection reset by peer
May 13 20:05:30 rc_service: httpd 430:notify_rc restart_wan_if 0
May 13 20:05:30 kernel: Attempt to kill tasklet from interrupt
I don't know if that's something usefull, but I thought i could put it here to be sure.
I've tried to install the wireless driver from the msi website (for win 8.1 because there wasn't one for win10) and that didn't work either.

I think the power management stuff is indeed the problem, because i lost the connection while i was working on the battery. But the networkcard is still not showing up...

Thank you again for helping!



Mar 4, 2016
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Hi Tomas,

Go here: https://www.msi.com/Laptop/support/GS70-2PE-Stealth-Pro.html#down-driver

For the Driver download list click Select and choose the OS you upgraded from. The options there are:
  • Windows 8.1 64-bit
  • Windows 7 64-bit

You presumably had one of those OS prior to upgrading to Windows 10.

After selecting the one you used to have, you'll see a list of drivers:
  • Select and download your Wireless Drivers and follow their instructions on installation
  • That ought to get you back to where you were prior to your Update attempt, and when you can see it in your Device manager again, do as I said in my previous response, re removing check in the Power Management tab
May 14, 2016
Reaction score
I downloaded the driver and used the autorun executable they had put there. The installation couldn't initiate because there was a newer version installed. So i uninstalled the newer version en installed the older driver. That didn't work. I hope i'm doind it right...
Intel says it installes the intel pro/set wireless program together with the drivers. I have the program installed but i never get a message that the drivers are installed.
I also tried the automatic driver detection and it only detects the graphics driver...


Mar 4, 2016
Reaction score
Hi Tomas,

In Device Manager, when you right-clicked | went to properties | went to Drivers tab | Clicked Uninstall button you should have seen one last window open where you confirm you are uninstalling. That window has a Check box which you need to place a check into so when the Driver uninstalls it is also completely removed from your System.

Example image of what I mean


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