SOLVED Attempting to recover installation/undoing changes to your computer

Nov 17, 2019
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Has brought me on a loop. Pressed F11. Now need to choose option. Exit and continue takes me back.; I have to use a device/another operating system/ troubleshoot or turn off (which I have already done twice). Any ideas please??
Jan 27, 2016
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Depends on how you did the update. and how old is the update, if less that 10 days old. you can go to
setting --> update and security --> recovery and have MS restore you old Installation. (hope you did not remove.delete your Windows old.
Aug 18, 2020
Reaction score
Has brought me on a loop. Pressed F11. Now need to choose option. Exit and continue takes me back.; I have to use a device/another operating system/ troubleshoot or turn off (which I have already done twice). Any ideas please??
I'm having the same problem after losing power in the middle of an update. Is there an answer to this problem? It says it was solved. So how was it solved?
Jan 27, 2016
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One of these methods should work.
This solution is to disable the automatic repair from starting if your computer fails to boot into windows.

What you will need - A Windows 10 USB-CD

Step 1: Place the CD in your drive and proceed to boot from it

Step 2: When the install screen pops up, look to the bottom left and select "Repair Your Computer".

Step 3: You will now see a screen that says "Choose an option". Select "Troubleshoot", then "Advanced Options", and finally "Command Prompt".

Step 4: You should now see the command prompt. Type "bcdedit" (without quotes) and hit enter.

Step 5: A list should have appeared. Towards the top, you should see "resumeobject" (It is under "default"). Highlight the long number, including the brackets, and copy.

Step 6: Now type "bcdedit /set (the long number you copied) recoveryenabled No" (Without quotes). Hit enter.

Step 7: You should now see the message "The operation completed successfully"

Step 8: Type "Exit" (Without quotes)

Step 9: Reboot
Running check disk to see if your hard drive is the problem

What you will need - A Windows 8 or 8.1 CD

Step 1: Place the CD in your drive and proceed to boot from it

Step 2: When the install screen pops up, look to the bottom left and select "Repair Your Computer".

Step 3: You will now see a screen that says "Choose an option". Select "Troubleshoot", then "Advanced Options", and finally "Command Prompt".

Step 4: Type "chkdsk /r C:" (Without quotes)

Step 5: The scan should start. This could take several hours depending on the size of your hard drive.

Step 6: Once the scan is done, type "exit" (without quotes).

Step 7: Reboot


Making sure your hard drive is first in boot priority.

What you will need - nothing

Step 1: Boot into BIOS on your computer

Step 2: Go into your boot priority list

Step 3: If you see "Windows Boot Manager" as number 1 in your priority, change it so that your hard drive is number 1.

Step 4: Save and exit BIOS

Step 5: Reboot

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