Automatic repair loop

Jul 13, 2016
Reaction score
Hey there,

I have recently re installed windows 10 due to a system_config error I re installed windows worked fine, after i re installed the pc goes to load then going into automatic repair and stops at 76%.

But before this happens and before it gets to this screen i can hit any key and by passes it, but if i let the computer boot up normally without hitting any key it goes into repair mode.

any help would be appreciated.


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
I don't know, it sounds like, from your description that you have more than one boot options.
Take a look at msconfig under the boot tab and see if there is only one listed there.
You might use something like the free version of EasyBCD as well to see if Windows thinks it has more than one boot configurations.
Not sure how you performed the "re-install" but it's almost like the repair still thinks it has work to do
Jul 13, 2016
Reaction score
Hey there, done a re-format of the hard drive then re installed windows 10

Maybe some back story, friend of mine got the cypto locker virus so they done a factory re set, once they done this the computer went into a repair loop stopped at 76% and didnt move so when you by passed it the computer popped up with the blue screen about the system config error,

so re-formatted hard drive re installed windows which worked but as it loads it will try and do a repair(you get that timer to hit any key or let it do the repair) you hit a key and it loads windows normally, even with proper shut down it still tries to start a repair, but you hit any key to by pass it and loads normally (have tried letting it run just gets stuck at 76%)

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