BSOD mainly while streaming and watching Twitch..

Nov 16, 2015
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I recently have been trying to stream on twitch, and it works for like 30 minutes-1 hour then my computer crashes.. Any help would be greatly appreciated, really want to start streaming seriously and on a schedule but can't due to this unfortunate issue that frequently occurs. I have provided my system specs on my profile under the tab "System Spec" if you need to see my setup. I will provide a screenshot of my recent crashes, and will provide them here, but I recommend looking at the screenshot as it provides a lot more information regarding the crashes. The Bug Check String that says the reason of the crashes are: SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION, PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA, DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL, KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED, ATTEMPTED_WRITE_TO_READONLY_MEMORY. Here is the screenshot I promised

Thanks for all the help.


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
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Hello and welcome to the forum.
I'd be happy to take a quick look and see if I can see anything specific in your dump files if you will.....
Create a new folder on your desktop, copy the contents of C:\Windows\minidump into that new folder, then zip it up and attach it to your next post.
I'm no BSOD expert but I'll see what I can see.
Nov 16, 2015
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@Trouble here is the zip folder you requested a while ago, sorry for being so late.


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Nov 16, 2015
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Computer has been crashing a ton recently and I am looking for a fix, please respond if you know any anything.


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Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
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You do have a few older drivers on your system which need you attention. You need to update / upgrade them or uninstall them if you can't get newer versions, or you need to break them by renaming the .sys files extension to .OLD
ICCWDT.sys 8/18/2010 Intel Watchdog Timer Driver
flashud.sys 3/6/2009 Intel One Boot Flash Utility Driver
RtNdPt60.sys 7/19/2009 a very old version of the RealTek ndis driver
jumi.sys 9/28/2009 something from jumitech ..... I have no idea what, only that it is too old.
And lastly
ESEADriver2.sys this is not an old driver but it looked suspicious and when I google it I see it involved with some other BSOD issues. Seems to be a game related driver or something, maybe uninstall it and see if your machine stabilizes
Other than that the system looks good the other drivers look to either be new or at least current enough, not to be producing any problems.
The dump files are all over the place and can't seem to agree on a single issue, but.....

Since some of them look a bit like there may be an issue with the system drive or system memory, do yourself a favor and run the native Check Disk utility
Right click the start button and choose Command Prompt (Admin) and in the command prompt window type
chkdsk C: /R
hit enter
answer "Y" when prompted
hit enter and type
hit enter and reboot.
This will take a long time depending on the size of the drive. Let it finish all five stages and don't interrupt it. The results can be found in event viewer after the system auto reboots.

Additionally use memtest86 to test your memory. scroll down to the middle of the page to get the latest version ISO and burn it to a CD and boot your system and let it run at least 6 passes, overnight is best.
Unless it starts pitching errors right away, then you need to start testing individual sticks in individual slots to see which combo might be responsible for the errors.
Nov 16, 2015
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Ok, I ran the Check Disk Utility and provided a screenshot of what I saw when I opened Event Viewer, don't really know how to translate it into a way to fix anything tho. Also, about those drivers you listed that were old, I think I got the updates for the Realtek and the Intel One Boot Flash Utility Driver, but I couldn't find a download for the Intel Watchdog Timer Driver. I am going to leave an updated Dump zip so you can see if I did the steps correctly, or not.


  • Minidump
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  • event viewe.png
    event viewe.png
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Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
Open event viewer
Expand Windows Logs
Select Application (logs)
From the menu bar select action and then find and type
Click Find next
look at the bottom section in under the General tab scroll down and look for any reference to bytes in bad sectors.

Have you ran memtest86+ yet?

Your most recent dump file 111615-17265-01.dmp still shows all the drivers I mentioned above still on your system
fffff801`46bf0000 fffff801`46c11000   flashud  flashud.sys  Fri Mar 06 03:57:27 2009 (49B0F387)
fffff801`475e0000 fffff801`475ec000   RtNdPt60 RtNdPt60.sys Sun Jul 19 21:27:32 2009 (4A63D614)
fffff801`46cf0000 fffff801`46cf2100   jumi     jumi.sys     Mon Sep 28 17:48:52 2009 (4AC13D54)
fffff801`46c20000 fffff801`46c2c000   ICCWDT   ICCWDT.sys   Wed Aug 18 03:27:45 2010 (4C6B9981)
fffff801`43c00000 fffff801`43c83000   ESEADriver2 ESEADriver2.sys Sat Oct 17 17:46:26 2015 (5622CFC2)

You've had two now that are pointing at your GPU subsystem
BugCheck 3B, {c000001d, fffff80147a05208, ffffd00020a9a380, 0}

*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for atikmdag.sys
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for atikmdag.sys
Probably caused by : hardware ( atikmdag+c5208 )
ffffd000`20a9ada0 ffffe000`30d4b200 : fffff801`47a183b2 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 ffffd000`20a9ade8 : atikmdag+0xc5208
ffffd000`20a9ada8 fffff801`47a183b2 : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 ffffd000`20a9ade8 ffffd000`20a9af18 : 0xffffe000`30d4b200
ffffd000`20a9adb0 00000000`00000000 : 00000000`00000000 ffffd000`20a9ade8 ffffd000`20a9af18 ffff2349`49f92ea1 : atikmdag+0xd83b2
BugCheck BE, {fffff8011f0b85d0, 410e47121, ffffd00020af2c20, b}

Probably caused by : dxgkrnl.sys ( dxgkrnl!DXGCONTEXT::Render+372 )
ffffd000`20af29d8 fffff801`18f9d81d : 00000000`000000be fffff801`1f0b85d0 00000004`10e47121 ffffd000`20af2c20 : nt!KeBugCheckEx
ffffd000`20af29e0 fffff801`18e22c36 : 00000000`00000003 00000000`00000000 ffffd000`20af2c20 fffff801`19655854 : nt! ?? ::FNODOBFM::`string'+0x3d71d
ffffd000`20af2ad0 fffff801`18f5a5bd : 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 ffffe001`f3150518 ffffe001`f31519b0 : nt!MmAccessFault+0x696
ffffd000`20af2c20 fffff801`1f0f3770 : fffff801`1d461d42 00000000`00000200 00000000`00000002 ffffc001`e896ae40 : nt!KiPageFault+0x13d
ffffd000`20af2db8 fffff801`1d461d42 : 00000000`00000200 00000000`00000002 ffffc001`e896ae40 ffffc001`e896ae40 : dxgmms2!VIDMM_DMA_POOL::BeginCPUAccess
ffffd000`20af2dc0 fffff801`1d49ab32 : ffffd000`20af37d8 ffffc001`ea1ac000 ffffd000`20af3678 00000000`00000002 : dxgkrnl!DXGCONTEXT::Render+0x372
ffffd000`20af34e0 fffff960`30b19376 : fffff901`422cf610 fffff901`41155400 ffffe001`f3198078 ffffe001`00000002 : dxgkrnl!DxgkCddGdiCommand+0x482
ffffd000`20af37c0 fffff960`30b17840 : ffffffff`fffd74f6 ffffffff`fffd74f6 ffffd000`20af3ab0 ffffe001`f4d64960 : cdd!CHwCommandBuffer::FlushGdiCommands+0x256
ffffd000`20af39b0 fffff801`18ee9758 : 00000000`00010224 ffffe001`f3c50080 ffffe001`f3155080 ffffe001`eeab7080 : cdd!PresentWorkerThread+0x540
ffffd000`20af3c00 fffff801`18f565b6 : ffffd000`8f66d180 ffffe001`f3c50080 ffffe001`eeab7080 ffffe001`00000000 : nt!PspSystemThreadStartup+0x58
ffffd000`20af3c60 00000000`00000000 : ffffd000`20af4000 ffffd000`20aee000 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 : nt!KiStartSystemThread+0x16
I suspect it may be a red herring but you may want to
1. See if AMD has an even more recent driver for your video card
2. Experiment with an older driver for you video card
3. Since CCC can sometimes be a pain and cause some weird problems, read John's article here
About how to install only the drivers and leave Catalyst Control Center out of the equation. Might be worth a try.
Nov 16, 2015
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Well, I ran the memtest while I slept last night, it didn't finish completely, but I looked and saw that it said 16 errors.. So does that mean that the memory cards could be whats making my computer crash? And if so, that would mean I need to buy new 16GB's memory cards, or is there a way to fix them? I also uninstalled CCC.


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
IF memtest is showing errors then it's a safe bet, you need to address the problem.
Make a note of your current placement of memory modules in which slots.
My suggestion would be to first test on memory module in one memory slot DIMM Slot 0 or 1 depending on the MoBo slot numbering..
Boot your computer from the memtest CD and let it run at least 4 passes, 6 would be better.
If it produces any errors at any point while you might be watching then you can stop it.... and then test that same module in a different slot and see if it produces any errors, if it does then you may have found the memory module that needs replacing.
If the original test of one module in slot 1 does not produce any errors after 6 passes, then stop it and swap modules and set that one aside (we can assume that, that module is good and that slot as well.
Put the second module into the same slot and test it like before.
Rinse and repeat until all memory modules are tested individually in the initial slot.
IF no errors are produced at any point during the above testing scenario then you will need to test the other slot or slots that were involved in the original configuration leaving the known good slot empty.

Accordingly to what I'm seeing as of now.
Channel A - DIMM 0 Not Populated
Channel A - DIMM1 8 Gig 1600Mhz Team Elite 1600
Channel B - DIMM 0 Not Populated
Channel B - DIM 1 8 Gig 1600 Mhz Team Elite 1600
Double check your motherboard manual and confirm that, that is the proper way to populate your board with dual channel memory.
Nov 16, 2015
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So on my mobo there are four channels to choose for your memory cards to go, so I just put both of my memory sticks on the other two available spots colored coded black, and ran the memtest again, and received 0 errors! I'll check back in if any errors occur.

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