Can't Save to Right Explorer Pane

Apr 18, 2016
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I am having trouble saving selected files from the right-hand Explorer panel to the left-hand pane. This is something I've always been able to do but can't anymore!

I have uploaded an example: Here I was attempting to copy/move the file "HDD Drive Letter Settings.txt" from the "Windows 10 Settings" folder to "Windows 10 Settings\Empty Folder" but, as shown, Windows 10 prevents it.

Is there some setting that I have changed (or perhaps Microsoft has changed) that prevents this transfer?

Thanks in advance.



  • No Can Do.jpg
    No Can Do.jpg
    25.6 KB · Views: 490
Oct 26, 2016
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It looks like that your computer thinks you want to move the file to two different folders, once in the "empty folder" and once on itself again. That is probably the reason why you cannot do it. Try highlighting only one folder by moving the mouse down a little. I tried to recreate your issue with a similar folder and file and fortunately I did not have any problems as long as only one folder is highlighted...
Apr 18, 2016
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Hello, Griz:

I see what you mean by two folders being blue, but that's not it. I just tried it again, made sure only the file "No Can Do.jpg" was blue on the right, the "Windows 10 Settings" folder was gray, the "Empty Folder" became blue when the cursor got to the left side, but the "No Can Do" symbol also came up. I think I must have a setting that changed somewhere, perhaps in the register. I just don't know where to look!

Thanks for trying, 'though.



Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
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Your image is not very helpful in showing much as to the complete container structure.

What is the nature of the destination parent?
IS it an optical disk or portable device or other disk or partition that may be locked or otherwise write protected??
Feb 18, 2016
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I just tried moving a file from explorer. I opened Pictures folder in Explorer, clicked on a picture in the Saved Pic Folder dragged and dropped it into the Camera Roll Folder on the left side of Explorer. Worked OK. And Yes you will see two folders highlighted. That is, your Win 10 Folder were the file is located and the destination folder will be highlighted as you drop files into the folder.
If you stay in the right window pane in explorer can you drag it up and save it in the folder (Empty Folder) located above as shown in your image?
Apr 18, 2016
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Hello, all:
Actually, they are simply folders; it is on a Surface Book; I have only an SSD in the tablet which is divided into several partitions. Each and every time I attempt to do this, regardless of what the file contains (text, image, etc.), the result is the same. It happens when the folders are within the same partition or between partitions. And, more importantly, it happens each and every time! So, it is not a special case.

In answer to "If you stay in the right window pane in explorer can you drag it up and save it in the folder (Empty Folder) located above as shown in your image?", the answer is yes, that works fine.

Thanks for all the help and I've still got my fingers crossed, but they're beginning to hurt!:(

Jul 29, 2015
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Wait, this issue wasn't solved, was it? I have the same problem and I will try to be as specific as possible. Anything and everything (File or folder) from the right pane can not be moved to the left pane. One can also try to move a file from the desktop or another window of explorer and try to move from it to the left pane and no can do. Anything can be moved to the right pane. from the right pane to the same pane, from another instance of Explorer to that same right pane, from the desktop to the right pane. etc. in other words it, the left pane, and it alone, that is blocked. That minute you drag something to it the cursor changes to a red circle with a vertical line on it saying you can't do so.
I'm wondering if the culprit is Winaero Tweaker (its only use, change I did on it, is set the default Drag-n-drop to 'move' and and I disabled the automatic Folder Type Discovery--a real annoyance to me).
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Apr 18, 2016
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Hi, Michael:
Believe me, I know the problem! But, when I installed the latest update to windows (Version 1803, OS Build 17134.81) the problem magically went away:)! I would assume from that the problem lies with Windows because I didn't change anything to make that behaviour go away. So, knowing what I know now I would start with them. And if you haven't installed that update, you might consider it!

Best of luck.

Jul 29, 2015
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TheArtfulDodger thanks. This problem has existed for a few months and it may be a coincidence (nor am I really sure) but I think it did start with the use of Winaero Tweaker. My version was Version 1803, OS Build 17134.48 but as I said it existed before the recent major update and now I have updated to your version, the latest version, and the problem has not gone away. You said you ''would start with them" Who is them, Microsoft Windows? I thought this was one and the same but I guess I could ask them ( as well. Thanks
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Jul 29, 2015
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I contacted and they took over my PC. From what they did, I could see there was no need for them to do so. For what they did is make me download and then execute the MediaCreationTool1803.exe without making any changes (No file deletion etc.). And after the long wait for the download etc. Nothing changed. I suspected nothing would happen because the mouse cursor turning into the red circle with a red diagonal sign (similar to the no smoking sign without the cigarette) tells me there is something specific prohibiting this action to be performed. I will call them again. I still feel Winaero has something to do with it.

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