Can't Update Album Information in Windows Media Player

Jul 16, 2018
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I looked in my host file and didn't have this line [] in it to delete so is my Win 10 issue a little bit different?

I just tried to play a CD Album in Windows Media Player (how very retro ;)), but when I I tried to update the Album information to get the correct track names, I got the following error:

Cannot Reach This Page :

I did some digging for a fix, and it turns out that that Spybot Anti-Beacon had blocked connection to that domain, to prevent metadata leaking.

The answer was as simple as editing the hosts file (located in C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc) and removing the following line:


  • etc files Pic.png
    etc files Pic.png
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    Media Player Issue Pic.png
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  • inside host files.png
    inside host files.png
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