Disable emoji panel windows 10 Help!!!!!

May 13, 2020
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I want to disable Emoji Panel for absolutely good.

I press winkey + L to lock pc, but often I accidentally press winkey + ; and the emoji panel will appear. How annoying and intrusive!

I worked so hard to slap each locale in regedit with "EnableExpressiveInputShellHotkey"=dword:00000000, after a reboot that emoji panel is still annoyingly alive.

For example:

You can download my Disable Emoji Panel Win10.reg in the attachment below.

What did I go wrong??? How to absolutely disable emoji panel windows 10???


  • Disable Emoji Panel Win10.reg
    87.3 KB · Views: 224
May 13, 2020
Reaction score
I attempted to completely annihilate Windows 10 Emoji Panel for good without success.

My latest attempt is a 383KB reg file (my attachment below). If even this could not accomplish anything, the chances someone else knows the way to obliterate Windows 10 Emoji Panel are slim to none.

I even opened Regedit as TrustedInstaller user to exterminate every regedit key relevant to Windows 10 Emoji Panel to no effect.

That ultra brutal evil emoji panel Windows 10 has to go away. Its presence is super offensive, hideous, unsightly and cruel.

I no longer count on others' help, since I have helped myself enough.


  • Destroy Windows 10 Emoji Panel.reg
    383 KB · Views: 203
Sep 26, 2017
Reaction score
I'm running Win10 Version 1909 Build 18363.836 [updated yesterday] Pro and Home on several of my computers. I also have some mostly-minor issues with things Microsoft includes that I don't need and also do a little customizing, main thing is that no matter what I do the next Upgrade [1909 to 2004] probably will remove those settings so If I want them back I have to do them anew. Past performance shows those Upgrades come twice a year.

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