Display driver NVIDIA Windows Kernel Mode Drive stopping

Dec 8, 2015
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Hello everyone, please help me.

I'm having this issue for a few months already. But today I probably made it even worse.

Here is what happens:

Until yesterday I had Windows 8.1, and sometimes (One day every 1 or 2 months) I would get a BSOD when trying to play some games. I would get an error on the BSOD saying: "Your PC ran into a problem and needs restart. We're just collecting some error info, and then we'll restart for you."... "If you'd like to know more, you can search online later for this error: VIDEO_TDR_FAILURE(nvlddmkm.sys)"

After that BSOD, my PC would restart. And then I would not be able to start any game. The screen would froze, the game would close, and I'd get the following error: "Display driver NVIDIA Windows Kernel Mode Driver, Version 350.12 stopped responding and has successfully recovered".

By that point I would not be able to play anything else. After getting that problem for the first time (A lot of months ago), I discovered that the only way to "fix" it was to do a System restore to a few days back.

By doing that, everything would go back to normal for a few weeks, maybe a month... and then it would happen again (BSOD, followed by restart, followed by games not opening, followed by a system restore...)

Well.. today I experienced the same thing.. BSOD.. restart.. error... tried to do a system restore, and this time it didn't work... So I decided to try something different and updated my Windows 8.1 to Windows 10, hoping it would fix everything..

Well.. it didn't... As soon as Windows finished upgrading, I got a BSOD, a restart, and after that I can't open any games... Now I get the same message as before, but with a different driver version (When windows upgraded, it installed the most updated driver I believe)... I had an old version on windows 8.1 because that helped fix the problem a few months back...

Well.. right now I'm experiencing the error: "Display driver NVIDIA Windows Kernel Mode Driver, Version 353.54 stopped responding and has successfully recovered".

And since I just upgraded to windows 10, I can't really do a System Restore anymore...

Windows 10. NVIDIA GEFORCE GTX 860M.

Please, any information that you need about my notebook, let me know.

As far as I can tell... It's probably not a hardware issue, right? (I mean, I'm able to play games for weeks straight... and then it stops for only a day until I manage to fix it)

I believe it's a driver issue... but I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling everything months back... So... I don't know..

Please, someone help me.
Dec 8, 2015
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Just tried to update the driver version from 353.54 to 353.84 (Updated directly on Windows' drivers manager, by clicking on the NVIDIA Video Card and looking for an update.

Restarted, and got: "Display driver NVIDIA Windows Kernel Mode Driver, Version 353.84 stopped responding and has successfully recovered". after trying a game...


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
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The "M" designation might suggest "mobile" is this a laptop? If so, you may be better off, going to the Computer Manufacturer's support website and obtain the latest driver they have available and install that.
Some laptop GPUs can be just proprietary enough where conventional drivers, even ones directly from nVidia may not work, or work very well.

The latest driver direct from nVidia would seem to be the 859.06 driver release on December 1st for the 800M Series (notebook) GeForce GTX 860M.
Dec 8, 2015
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Hi Trouble,

Yes, it's a laptop.

The one below: (ASUS ROG G750JM)


I can't seen to find the correct driver to be installed on windows 10 from their website... They only say the most updated driver on windows 8.1.

Should I try downgrading my current driver to an older version (The one on their website for windows 8.1?)

Thing is... I tried that months ago.. (When I actually had an windows 8.1.. And it didn't solve my problem... I don't think it would help now)

What do you suggest?
Dec 8, 2015
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I just discovered something... Although I don't know what it means...

I opened "NVidia Control Panel"... And just as I did that... I started receiving the error "Display driver NVIDIA Windows Kernel Mode Driver, Version 353.84 stopped responding and has successfully recovered" .. OVER and OVER again.. and again..

I already closed the control panel and the error keeps popping up (Like, every 5 seconds...), no BSOD.. just the error popping up every 5 seconds..

I already restarted it, and tried opening everything that I have installed here... it only starts spamming the error when open NVIDIA Control Panel..

What does that mean?....
Dec 8, 2015
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Hi Trouble,

Just tried your steps. Didn't work =(

I went into safe mode, used Display Driver Uninstaller to remove NVidia and anything related to it.. Restarted it.

Installed the last version recommended by the manufacturer (347.52). Restarted again after installing it.

Tried to open a game, got the following;

"Display driver NVIDIA Windows Kernel Mode Driver, Version 347.52 stopped responding and has successfully recovered".

Oh god... any other ideas? I'm so tired right now.. Need to get some sleep. Will check here again tomorrow morning... Thanks for your help for now.


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
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Do the display driver uninstaller thing again in safe mode and then try the latest from nVidia
859.06 driver release on December 1st for the 800M Series (notebook) GeForce GTX 860M.
Dec 8, 2015
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Hi again Trouble, sorry for the delay on answer, had to get some sleep..

I tried version 359.12 last night before sleeping, NVIDIA released that a few days ago. Apparently it has a hot fix for game crashings, and it solver the problem for A LOT of people... not for me ..

Now I'm getting:

"Display driver NVIDIA Windows Kernel Mode Driver, Version 359.12 stopped responding and has successfully recovered

Any other ideas?
Dec 8, 2015
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As someone suggest on another place, Just tried version 355.98... didn't work again =(

"Display driver NVIDIA Windows Kernel Mode Driver, Version 355.98 stopped responding and has successfully recovered"

What else can I try? What kind of tests can I run? It was working fine a few days ago.. I don't get it.. it always works for like 30 days... then it stoped for a single day... and after running a system restore, it would go back to normal for more 30 days.. So.. since System restore is able to fix it... it has something to do with files, right? Something corrupted or whatever... Because when I did System restore, it would go back a few days, (but stay with the same driver I was when the error started).. and I would go back to playing with the same driver without any problems for another 30 days..

So... I don't think it's hardware... or the version of the driver... it has to be something else.. I already tried like 10 version, from the most recent(359.12) to 347.xx..

Can anyone give me another idea?
Dec 8, 2015
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I will be back in an hour or so..

Will try version 355.60... suggested on a topic I found somewhere..

Worked for some people... Let's what I can do..

Before installing a new driver.. I'm running Display Driver Uninstaller on same mode to remove everything related to the NVIDIA driver... Should I try anything else? Like some registry cleaner? What do you guys indicate?


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
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Are you running the latest BIOS update from the link you posted above?
Have you updated your ATK package from the link posted above?
Also I see something called ASUS "Splendid" which seems to have something to do with
ASUS Splendid (For Windows 10 Upgrade)
ASUS Splendid gives you a great visual experience by different contextual modes.
Please update ASUS Splendid to v3.11.0001 or newer to avoid compatibility problems caused by upgrading to Windows 10.
Oct 1, 2014
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I have a system with the dual video options of Intel or Nvidia. Can we assume you have both display adapters available in the Device Manager?

I have had problems with my Dell in that the Nvidia chip keeps disappearing so it is not related to yours, but while I was troubleshooting it, I had to remove and reinstall the drivers many times.

What I do is to go into Device Manager and select the display adapter. I then uninstall it and check the box to remove all drivers. After you reboot you should see the Microsoft Basic Display adapter listed.

Because of recent events, I would wait for Windows 10 to update the drivers for the adapter and see if they work after that.

If you reinstall the driver yourself, do a custom install and don't install what you don't need and check the box to do a clean install.

As a note, I saw a post on another site where the poster stated Nvidia Optimus does not work with Windows 10. I had Windows 10 on my dual adapter system for a few days but never tested the switching capability of the video adapters. I also don't run Windows 10 on my multi-monitor, multi-GPU gaming system because of Blue Screens.


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
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Appreciate the insight Saltgrass and
By the way..... welcome to the forum.
Glad to have you.
Dec 8, 2015
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Hey Trouble,

Sorry for taking so long to respond.. I tried updating to the last recommended version of everything on ASUS website, as you mentioned above. Also installed that ASUS Splendid

After all that.. I got stuck in a BSOD looping... Couldn't even log in to the laptop anymore. It would just restart into BSOD, restart again, BSOD.. etc.

After like an hour of that... I finally manage to start it... Not sure what caused the problem..

But this time the BSOD would show the following error:


But I solved this one using the following solution

Dec 8, 2015
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And Saltgrass, I do have both display adapters available in the Device Manager.

I did reinstall it on custom mode, and did the clean installation


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
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So the iastor.sys fix, addressed the most recent BSOD....
How about the nvidia kernel mode stopping and recoverying problem, is that still present
Dec 8, 2015
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Hello Trouble..

Actually, after posting my last post... I got the BSOD loop again (same as before)

I was stuck there for the past hours, until I decided to do something else... And I did a "factory reset" on the ASUS...

Well... No BSOD.. got back to Windows 8.1.. oldest drivers (version 332.60 on the nvidia driver).

And well, I had no games installed to test... So I went to NVIDIA Control Panel (Where I had the issue before), and of course... problem is still here..

"Display driver NVIDIA Windows Kernel Mode Driver, Version 332.60 stopped responding and has successfully recovered".


And while I was writing this post, I got another BSOD, but with a diferente error: DRIVER_POWER_STATE_FAILURE

(So, I'm writing all of this for the second time, since I got the BSOD while writing it before...)

God... don't know what else I can try... I still didn't want to believe it is a hardware problem... doesn't make sense to me since I was still playing for the past 6 months (while experiencing the issue from time to time)


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
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When I have problems with my nVidia drivers and I have in the past, not recently but a while back.
I do the safe mode DDU thing and then I do a custom install of the driver, I check the box that says "Clean Install" (although I don't think that part is necessary) and then I uncheck everything except the driver which you can't uncheck and PhysX. All the 3d stuff and the nVidia Experience stuff, I leave unchecked.
You might give that technique a whirl and see if gets you anywhere.
Dec 8, 2015
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Trouble, thanks for your suggestion, I tried that a few times already.. exactly as you described

Still didn't work

I will try again in a few minutes. Was finishing all Windows updates after the factory reset

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