Hi Downy,
this is (seems to be) an ongoing problem with Edge, take a look at this link which has many questions on it, one answer is to run "Troubleshoot":
I hope it helps.
I clicked into what you sent and want to thank you again for trying to help. My heavens
this has been going on for years, as long as Edge exists probably, I simply cannot
understand why they haven't done anything about it. I can see I am definitely NOT
alone. So although they write all the time, use Edge, faster etc. one doesn't want to
as perhaps one will need to copy and paste some of the comments in a mail and
then you have to go to Chrome or Firefox, where perhaps you should have been
in the first place!! So Edge get your act together would be my advice should they
be reading this, it's gone on way too long.
Thanks again to the sender of the above mails, very kind