Keep getting the same notification

Aug 9, 2015
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I am set up to start up without having to log in. but every time I start the laptop after about 5-10 minutes I get a notification asking me to 'click here to enter your most recent credentials, your microsoft account needs you to sign in again. If I click as it asks it takes me to Settings - mail and accounts which reveal that I am signed in. It makes no difference to my mail account whether i click or not as I can access the mail app and the store and anything else that needs a microsoft account without problem. I am assuming that an update a few weeks ago caused this. It has no effect on the machine and if I click the notification and get the settings page all I have to do is close the settings app and the notification goes away until the next time I start up. I am not really bothered about it but would like to know what is causing it or why. Any ideas?
Nov 19, 2013
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Have another look at the "settings - accounts" and see if there is a small insertion asking you to verify the account.
Aug 9, 2015
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No, can't find anything like that. I have been all through the accounts part of settings and there is nothing like that.
Nov 19, 2013
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Right click the start icon.

Open the Control Panel and then "User Accounts"

Click "Manage credentials"
There are two items in there. "Web " and "Windows"
Scan through the list and if you can spot anything which you think may be in error, click it and remove it. Be sure it is something which is redundant.
Aug 9, 2015
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Have checked as you suggest. I haven't deleted anything yet. I notice that in the web credentials everything is listed twice except the hotmail address and only one of those as i have two. The one not listed is the one used to log in the computer. That one is listed in the windows credentials. the other web credentails are gmail address each one is listed twice the second one being listed as .com1 also the skype addresses are listed twice.
Nov 19, 2013
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There doesn't seem to be anything unusual there. It is an ongoing log, so the duplicates will be removed automatically.

Regarding the address not listed, that should be sitting under the Windows credentials

But. First undo the option to log in automatically. Reboot and log in normally. If the problem has gone, then you could try the aotmatic log in feature again.
Aug 9, 2015
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Thanks for the help, I'm away from home at the moment and I can't remember which password goes with which account. Will try it when I get home and update you.
Aug 9, 2015
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OK. I have done what you suggested and cancelled the no log in option and then logged in on start up. I then ran netplwiz and selected the no password login option which brought the usual box for me to enter the password twice however in the username part of this was the make of computer instead of my username. This i thought a bit strange however I changed it to my username and put the password in twice as requested and so far all seems to be well. I am wondering if on one of the updates that the username got changed although why it would change to the make of computer I have no idea. However all seems to be well now thanks very much for all the help
Aug 9, 2015
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OK, back to square one. Yesterday I had an series of updates to apply which i did without any problems. However after the restart i again got the request to sign in again. Once again I went through the rigmarole of netplwiz etc and found that although all the usernames in the first part that comes up were correct in the second little box that asks for the password twice the username had been changed again back to the computer model, E4300. I have checked in the systems setting regarding the computer name which is set at Laptop and this remains unchanged. I have no idea where its getting the model number from or why an update changes it. I expect it will be fine until the next update. We will have to wait and see. It is not causing any problems apart from a desire to know why its behaving like this. Any ideas would be welcome...
Nov 19, 2013
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Only idea I have is the current, and justified, neurosis That Microsoft has over security. The Update possibly will not acknowledge an automated login and change it to a default, so that you need to start over.

I am far away from being a Ms fanboy. But the problem is that as soon as MS mention increased security, every hacker, mostly immature, in the world, regard it as a challenge. In most cases, they do not interfere with us users, but merely try to prove that MS, like any other program, is vulnerable.
Aug 9, 2015
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Thanks for the reply. As you say its not really a problem as it continues to log in automatically anyway, and all I have to do is just click on the notification and it goes away. it doesn't cause any operating problems so for the moment I will leave it as it is. Thanks again for replying..
Feb 17, 2016
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I am set up to start up without having to log in. but every time I start the laptop after about 5-10 minutes I get a notification asking me to 'click here to enter your most recent credentials, your microsoft account needs you to sign in again. If I click as it asks it takes me to Settings - mail and accounts which reveal that I am signed in. It makes no difference to my mail account whether i click or not as I can access the mail app and the store and anything else that needs a microsoft account without problem. I am assuming that an update a few weeks ago caused this. It has no effect on the machine and if I click the notification and get the settings page all I have to do is close the settings app and the notification goes away until the next time I start up. I am not really bothered about it but would like to know what is causing it or why. Any ideas?
Hey Bari - I do log in every time, and I still get exactly the same notification as you do. I will try the fixes provided and advise.

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