SOLVED Lost sound driver in HP Touchsmart AIO when upgrading from 7 to 10

Nov 12, 2018
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I recently obtained this (rather older) desktop AIO with Win 7 (think it is model 610-1000Z) and I just upgraded to Win 10. In the process, the sound driver (IDT High Definition Audio Driver) disappeared. I have googled with nothing helpful turning up.

The sound icon in the lower left has a red circle with a white X. If I click on it, the assistant comes up and offers to help then bails at the end of it's analysis, but does offer to speak to someone, however someone never surfaced.

In task manager the only thing that shows under "Sound, video, and game controllers" is "HP Webcam Splitter"

From: HP TouchSmart 610-1000z CTO Desktop PC | HP® Customer Support

I downloaded and "installed" two W8 and one w7 driver. The "installed" is italicized because after the "installation" runs there is no evidence that I can find that they are on the computer.

Not being very tech savvy, do not know what to do next. What information can I provide?

If anyone has any ideas on how to get sound, they will be gratefully received. Thanks.
Apr 22, 2017
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HP TouchSmart 610-1000z

did you also look for Win 10 drivers on their website?. Did you install what drivers you have in compatibility mode?. ;)

Compatibility Mode | Windows 10 Forums

Download the Win 8 file (again) and open Control Panel > Device Manager > Sound and are there any exclamation marks there?. Right click "Update driver" and point it to the file you downloaded!. ;)

HP TouchSmart 610-1000z CTO Desktop PC Software and Driver Downloads | HP® Customer Support

Nov 12, 2018
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Hello Wolfie, Apology for the long silence. Have now spent considerable time trying to download and install the two Win 8 drivers and the Win 7 driver, in compatibility mode and otherwise. No matter what I do, nothing shows up in the Device Manager, and no exclamation points. When I right click on "Sound, Video, and Game Controlers", two things show up: (1) Scan for hardware changes [if I click on that, the screen refreshes the Device Manager. i.e., back to square one], and (2) Properties [if I click on that it opens a popup entitled, "Sound, Video, and Game Controlers" with a single tab entitled General and under that tab heading it just shows ""Sound, Video, and Game Controlers"

I have tried and retried everything I can think of, but I don't seem to be able to install any kind of driver for Audio

I don't suppose that I can just bypass the speakers and channel any audio to the headphones jack and play through external speakers?
Jan 25, 2021
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Hy WinC - welcome to the CLUB - Not Only U But 50000,000,000 other Users in your country had the same thing happen - what I did was disable Updates - as Long as your Anti-virus is always Updated U should be ok-
if re-installing your Original sound driver Does not fix this - I suggest a system restore to earlier when U had sound !!
Apr 22, 2017
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Have you looked in Control Panel > Sound and checked the settings there?, what is the default?. ;)
Nov 12, 2018
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Your help much appreciated, BTW. In the Sound popup, under Playback and Recording, both say "No audio devices are installed" (which is consistent with everything else I have seen), under Sound, there is a drop down box labeled Sound Scheme and in the box it says "Windows Default" then there is another larger selection box labeled Program Events and in the box, at the top it says "Windows" then there are a number of selections to choose from below (nothing appears to be selected). I assume that the Communications tab is not relevant
Nov 12, 2018
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A system restore will take me back to Win 7, no? If so, I am concerned about using a computer running 7 due to security issues.

I do not know if it is current. When I try to do a check, it just seems to hang in a continuous checking state. Restart does not help

Update: have looked at the system restore and see that I was incorrect, so I selected restore (keeping my files) and restoring from "this PC" rather than the crowd. Was this a good choice or should I have restored from the cloud? The restore is in process, so I switched to a different computer to update this post.
Last edited:
Apr 22, 2017
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Was this a good choice or should I have restored from the cloud?
Hi WC,

that is entirely up to you, I don't use any cloud services and simply make back-up copies of all my important files. A reset is often the only way to fix a problem!.

Keep us posted please. :)
Nov 12, 2018
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Was unsuccessful in doing Win 10 reset. Am not at a point that if I rerun it, I will lose the possibility of restoring to Win 7, so I think I will restore to 7, see if the driver is restored, then try again to upgrade, but next time from a thumb drive. If I go temporarily silent, may be posting under installation until I get that sorted, then come back here to work (or report) on the drivers
Nov 12, 2018
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Well, that was another brick wall. When I tried to restore to Win 7, I got message: "Unable to find files" and seemingly no way to go back to 7 and stymied with W10. Would I be able to find an installation copy of 7 (I have the "key") and reinstall from scratch?

If that is a possiblility, would I be able to update Win 7 (since the install CD/DVD would be an early version)? I think 7 is no longer supported with continuing updates, but I may be able to update up to the point where additional updates stopped?
Apr 22, 2017
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Nov 12, 2018
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Wolfie, that did it! Oscer, thanks for yours. I reinstalled W10. It has been an incredibly slow, start and restart process, but I have just set up w10 with cortana speaking away to me, so unless something goes pear shaped, the problem seems to be resolved. Thanks again for your and all the others good help.

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