Maybe the end of the line on updates

Michael Bell

Mickey B
Oct 18, 2015
Reaction score
I have been a windows user since 3.1 version but with the introduction of Win 11 that maybe the end. I have two computers one I checked is compatible but the other is not.
Do not know why 11 is needed , if you want me to up grade the older computer then it has t be compatible or its stays Win10 I am not going to spend the money on a new machine when spending that money is not needed.
Like a spoiled child I am throwing a cold glass of water into the face and SAYING no to Microsoft after 27 years. If you say I can but there is no support then again you can put Win11 where the sun don't shine.

One unhappy Camper.
May 6, 2015
Reaction score
I have used Windows since 3.1 as well. I upgraded the mobo on the one that wasn't compatible. cheaper than a new machine of course but more work.

Michael Bell

Mickey B
Oct 18, 2015
Reaction score
just read on CNN Win 10 will be supported till 2025 long before that the old girl will be gone. What is not clear is how to stopped the old girl from trying to up date to 11 currently all up dates are ramped down your troth . Guess I will cross bridge when I cross it. Microsoft could changes to the up dates before October.
Only thing about 11 is YEARS of up dates are coming , sad part of it all.
Sep 26, 2017
Reaction score
Even Windows 8.1 is facing the end of support but I just updated mine an hour ago. Windows 7 can still get updates but it costs, haven't seen what the cost is but some offices like dentists, clinics, vets, etc., that use proprietary software such as the non-film xrays either have to pay for extended support or just wait until their programs get updates to run on Windows 10 or later.
Apr 18, 2021
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Windows 11 simply takes advantage of newer hardware security features found in the more modern CPUs. Not to increase the security of Windows by ignoring this newer hardware support would be criminal.

To introduce that support as an update of Windows 10 would have meant that those PCs not running the latest hardware would not work at all! That would be stupid.

Microsoft have thus introduced Windows 11, which takes advantage of these features and which thus requires these later model CPUs. But they are also continuing to support Windows 10 until 2025, and it doesn't require these newer hardware features. Since most PCs have a lifespan of around 7 to 10 years, older PCs that don't support these newer CPU features will be coming up for replacement by 2025 in any case....

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