Network problems... Again!

May 19, 2016
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I am mostly bedridden due to a chronic back problem, so I need to access my desktop & external drive from my laptop as I always have done. I can't sit at my desktop for more than 15 or 20 minutes so I use my laptop in bed. Yet it seems every time Microsoft does an upgrade, my network is no longer functioning & I end up spending days if not weeks trying to sort out the problem and solve it. Needless to say this is extremely annoying! The problem now seems to be two-fold. On my laptop (which can't find my desktop in the network tab) won't let me turn on network discovery! Every time I turn it on and save, the next time I go back to that setting (even immediately) it's turned off again! So frustrating! If anyone can help I would appreciate it. My desktop fails to even locate my laptop (on the other end), but maybe I should just try to solve the laptop problem first... It may possibly be that my 2 laptops are on one user account & my desktop on another? I'm totally confused. Thanks.
Mar 7, 2020
Reaction score
I am so sorry to read of your continuing windows troubles and to top up this of suffering chronic pain can be so devastating. I am unable to help you on this topic but feel sure that one member of Windows10 forums will respond and help you, if given time. All the best now and in the future.
May 19, 2016
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