PicPick does not start with system (Win 10)

May 20, 2018
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I've been using PicPick for several years now. A couple of months ago it no longer started with Windows.

Under 'Starting Options', the "Start PicPick when Windows starts" box is ticked - but it doesn't do it!
It used to be in the Taskbar, possibly in 'Show hidden icons', but it's not there.

Any suggestions?

(Please don't suggest I use print Screen or the Snipping Tool!)
Sep 26, 2017
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(Please don't suggest I use print Screen or the Snipping Tool!)
Okay, BUT a good percentage of diagnostics is being able to see what the user sees.

Does the program still work if started manually?
May 20, 2018
Reaction score
The program works properly if started manually.

(I only asked not to suggest I use Print Screen or the Snipping Tool as when searching for an answer, I found links to this forum where it was suggested to someone to use them in place of PicPick.)
Sep 26, 2017
Reaction score
I only asked not to suggest I use Print Screen or the Snipping Tool as when searching for an answer, I found links to this forum where it was suggested to someone to use them in place of PicPick.)
I understand. Many use PrntScrn as it is a key on the keyboard whose function has changed over the years from when it actually sent the screen contents to a Parallel Port printer in DOS and Windows 3.1 and earlier. It evolved into sending the screen to the Windows Clipboard starting with Windows 95 [1995] with the only issue still being it usually holds only one item at a time. The Snipping Tool is relatively new and I haven't become well-versed with it yet, probably is a response to similar third-party software.
May 20, 2018
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Print Screen in windows 2.0 copied images to the clipboard and then paste them into Paintbrush - and text to anywhere text can go.

In earlier systems (years before Windows), PrtSc would send whatever text that was in the screen to the printer port. Hitting Ctrl + PrtSc would toggle Echo, to send (echo) whatever was on the screen to the printer.

I had a Z80 based system with a small printing terminal and a small b&w composite monitor. When it booted, the monitor and the terminal/printer would both respond with an "Ok" prompt. Ctrl + PrtScn would toggle the printer off, saving the somewhat pricey thermal paper it used. The printer was not wired to the printer port (if it had one), but was really a printing terminal, it 'spoke' to the computer via a serial port.

But this is all tangent to what I'm asking. That's why the font is small up there.

Like I mentioned earlier, PicPick is set to start on bootup. Task Manager shows me that PicPick is running, so I guess it's not throwing it's icon up to the task bar. (I didn't really have to look for it in task manager, as it's Hot Keys work.)

Reinstalling does not fix it.


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
Have you considered.....
Starting a trouble ticket with the software vendor
To report this startup bug???

Perhaps they've had other such reports and might be able to suggest a remedy.

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