SOLVED Problem with Win10 e mail

Feb 6, 2016
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I just re-formatted my HD & installed Win10.

I use Thunderbird for my e mail program and I have or I had some stored e mails on my backup HD that would open with Thunderbird just fine. .
Just a bit ago I went to look at an old e mail on the backup HD about Classic Shell that I had saved on the backup HD. Up popped a box and I must have accidentally hit the icon for Microsoft’s recommended e mail program. So all the logos now have changed to the MS e mail little blue envelope icon and will only open with that program. I then went and made TB the default after the fact and it shows as the default but I think Win10 would change the logos back so when I open and old e mail it will only open with TB. All the old e mail I have in my backup HD shows the mail Win10 mail icon & will only open with that mail program. How can I get it to change back to my Mozilla Thunderbird program? Now the Mozilla TB program is installed and operating correctly with all current & new e mails that come into it are OK, so this did not effect my normal e mail flow just the old saved e mail on the backup HD. Any way to correct this? Since I now made TB the default I cant even forward them to my g mail account. I suppose i could change the default back to the Win10 mail, try to forward all and then change the default back to TB but that would be a lot of work?

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