Why did Microsoft change my Windows 10 password?

Oct 13, 2015
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Why did Microsoft change my Windows 10 password to my Microsoft Account PW? If my actions were responsible for this, then MS did not explain carefully enough what was going to happen. In general, it is not nice to share PWs between services.
And further, I am getting pretty fed up with systems that ask for a PW w/o saying specivically who (or what) is doing the asking. How am I supposed to know that the asker is not phishing?
Does MS study this stuff?: https://www.google.com/search?q="secure+password+theory"
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
I think you should give a more detailed explanation There is no precedent for MS changing your password! In which part/section whatever, are you when the system asks for a password?.

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