Windows 10 features don't work and Computer constantly blue screens or crashes. (SYSTEM_EXCEPTION_ER

May 27, 2016
Reaction score
Windows 10 features (such as "Cortana" and the notification bar )do not work. I can't access the updates and security section of my settings nor can I go through the command prompt to try and do repairs. My computer won't even allow me to format the hard drives or reinstall windows. My computer also crashes or blue screens constantly but, mostly when playing games. The message is usually "SYSTEM_EXCEPTION_ERROR".


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
Windows 10 features (such as "Cortana" and the notification bar )do not work. I can't access the updates and security section of my settings nor can I go through the command prompt to try and do repairs
To address that, I would suggest attempting to create a new user account as a member of the local administrators group (not a standard user)
Go to
Right click it and choose run as administrator
At the admin command prompt type
net user JohnSmith /add
hit enter
then type
net localgroup administrators JohnSmith /add
hit enter
hit enter
Restart and log in as JohnSmith
See if that account works any better.
My computer also crashes or blue screens constantly but, mostly when playing games. The message is usually "SYSTEM_EXCEPTION_ERROR".
There is not a lot to go on there.
IF you can copy the contents of C:\Windows\Minidump folder into another folder on your desktop, zip it up and attach it to your next post and hopefully someone will have an opportunity to take a look at the dump files.
IN the mean time, if you are overclocking anything (CPU, MEMORY, GPU) reset all to defaults.
Check with the computer manufacturer and or the motherboard manufacturer and confirm that you have their latest updates, especially for your BIOS, Chipset and Storage Controller(s).
My computer won't even allow me to format the hard drives or reinstall windows
No idea what might be going on there.... What happens when you try? Do you get an error message?

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