Windows Media Player syncs few files each time I try then stops

Jul 31, 2015
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So I have a new problem. I finished working on my music files & tried to sync them to my Walkman. I always delete everything & then sync using my playlists in WMP This worked perfectly in Win 7 but in Win10 it loads a few songs and then craps out saying "stopped". If I unplug the drive & plug it back in then I can get a few more loaded. But I have over 400 songs & at this rate I'm royally screwed.

W10 1607 Build 14393.1198 & WMP 12.0.14393.1198

NOTE: It's not a connection problem, the device is recognized. It's also not that the driver is not installed, I did an install on wpdmtp.inf just in case. I also tried formatting my Walkman from it's options menu but result is the same.
Apr 22, 2017
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Hi TrainableMan,

could you not convert the files to MP3?, WMP files tend to be quite large?. :)
Jul 31, 2015
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They are MP3s, 100s of very small ones, when I say WMP I'm referring to Windows Media Player, not files with that extension. WMP plays .mp3s as well as .wmp and others.

I have numerous playlists categorizing my MP3s. With W7 WMP sync I used to be able to attach the Walkman and simply drag the playlists to the sync column and it would load all the associated songs of each playlist to the Walkman.

In theory W10 still simulates that functionality but in truth, from my experience & what I can find online, it does not fully support it any longer for devices that connect via MTP (Media Transfer Protocol). The procedure begins but fails after just a few files (1-7) get copied, then the device has to be unplugged, I wait for the Walkman to rebuild its' filelist, and then I plug it back in and start over, wasting time confirming files that are already there before moving 1 or 2 new ones and crapping out again.

The closest article I found is from Sony but is about their VIAO computers & an older W10 build, not the Walkman. The relevant text is ...
"Media Transfer Protocol (MTP)

  • There are limitations between Media Transfer Protocol (MTP) and Windows 10. User cannot copy or move any files from an USB portable device via MTP and it is recommended to use Mass Storage Connect (MSC)."

I spent days worth of hours getting my playlists so my favorite songs out of the 1700+ I have fill the 4GB perfectly and now, since going to W10 (my W7 computer died), I can't control the copy using those playlists anymore. So I suspect I'm SOL & will just have to buy a new MP3 player that doesn't use MTP because manually copying each file one at a time and then only if it "made the cut" to be on my 4GB Walkman is not practical.
Apr 22, 2017
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Hi TrainableMan,

I don't have such a device but could you not simply try copy & paste if the device has a normal Windows file format?. :)
Jul 31, 2015
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Can I copy/paste? Yes but it runs into the same problems where it craps out every so often mid copy.

But I don't think you understand the most important part of using WMP Sync via Playlists. I have 1700+ files in 100+ folders & sub-folders. And of those I have about 1200 that I need to copy to this Walkman; not all of them will fit. In order to drag & drop or copy & paste I have to go into each one of those folders and subfolders and compare them with my playlists to see which of the files are in the playlists & then copy only those. So in one folder I may have 6 files but only some get copied; but I don't know from memory so I have to check the playlist for each of the 6 and it turns out 4 are on the playlist & need to be copied, so I copy those 4 and then go to the next folder & so on. That would take hundreds of hours of work, rework really because I did all of it in W7 years ago when I created the playlists to take advantage of the SYNC functionality.

So quite honesty if I can't get an MTP driver that works consistently without seizing up, my time is better spent doing an hour or two of OT at work & using that money to buy an MP3 player that does not require MTP.
May 12, 2021
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Can I copy/paste? Yes but it runs into the same problems where it craps out every so often mid copy.

But I don't think you understand the most important part of using WMP Sync via Playlists. I have 1700+ files in 100+ folders & sub-folders. And of those I have about 1200 that I need to copy to this Walkman; not all of them will fit. In order to drag & drop or copy & paste I have to go into each one of those folders and subfolders and compare them with my playlists to see which of the files are in the playlists & then copy only those. So in one folder I may have 6 files but only some get copied; but I don't know from memory so I have to check the playlist for each of the 6 and it turns out 4 are on the playlist & need to be copied, so I copy those 4 and then go to the next folder & so on. That would take hundreds of hours of work, rework really because I did all of it in W7 years ago when I created the playlists to take advantage of the SYNC functionality.

So quite honesty if I can't get an MTP driver that works consistently without seizing up, my time is better spent doing an hour or two of OT at work & using that money to buy an MP3 player that does not require MTP.
I have the same issue but using my Samsung A40 android phone. Did you manage to solve it? Pete

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