Won't wake from Sleep or So I thought...

Jan 29, 2016
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Hi Guys,

So I have been having issues Windows 10 not waking from sleep. I tried to restart after holding the power button down. but with "restart" it's still at the black screen... Fans etc come on but nothing on the screen.

The only way to start it back again is removing all the power cables etc and wait for couple of hours... or sometimes half a day!

Here is the kicker...when it eventually does restart, all the pages and programmes are still open as they were prior to computer falling a sleep...

How is this possible? It fell a sleep... but if I remove all the power cables and turn it off completely...when it starts again, it should start from scratch? How is it possible for it start with all the programmes still on prior to computer falling a sleep.

Also, how do I sole this problem? I have changed the settings so that my computer won't fall a sleep but sometimes during shut down, the computer takes 20 minutes...and if I start to restart again within an hour...it won't start again...

Please help!


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
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Here is the kicker...when it eventually does restart, all the pages and programmes are still open as they were prior to computer falling a sleep...
How is this possible?
Because, it sounds to me like it is not "falling asleep" but hibernating.
Try this....
Right click the Start Button and choose Command Prompt (Admin) and in the admin command prompt window type
powercfg -h off
hit enter
then type
hit enter
reboot your computer and see if that fixes the issue.
Jan 29, 2016
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Thanks for your reply.

I will try your solution when and if the computer wakes up from hibernation. Usually I have to wait 7/8 hours once it decides to fall a sleep/go into hibernation during restart.

Also it recently has been taking good old 5mins to shut down, which I find odd. I actually feel like it does not shut down at all.

Am not sure if this is a Windows 10 problem or my MOBO or indeed even a power supply. I am very very tempted to go back to Windows 7 with clean install.
Jan 27, 2016
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if you shut off hybernate the command was give is proper.
logo + X --> command prompt as admin
powercfg -h off
now to shut down properly
try this
right click logo --> type shutdown -s -t 1
enter and see if it shuts down proper....
or you can test this way also.
shutdown -r -t 1
that is restart and do it now.


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
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I am very very tempted to go back to Windows 7 with clean install.
I think if I were going to take that big a step, I might try a clean install of Windows 10 first just to see if that worked any better.
Very often a clean install of an operating system (any operating system) is going to be better than an upgrade.
A pristine, clean registry is a beautiful thing.
Jan 29, 2016
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I just took out my RAM sticks and disconnected my SSD drive with windows 10 on it before restarting...

All the fans etc turn on...again nothing on the screen... but I was expecting the mobo to make some noise (beeps)... Or

is it that because my computer is currently hibernating - Maybe it's my motherboard and not Windows 10?

At the moment I can't try any of the commands as I am not able to get to the main screen or even the BIOS...

Hopefully tomorrow morning it will decide to start up again like it has a few times before...


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
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What kind of computer is this???
Desktop, Laptop, OEM HP, Dell, ASUS, Toshiba, Sony, etc., etc.
What is the model name and model number.
IF it's a desktop, pull the CMOS battery and hold the power button for 30 seconds or so, with no AC power connected.
Put the CMOS battery back in, plug it back into the wall and power it on.
Jan 29, 2016
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It's a desktop I built myself about 3 years ago just using youtube videos. I have never had trouble with it...it's only in the last month or so its been having problem...(I installed Windows 10 about two months ago so maybe it's not Windows 10 as I am suspecting)...

Desktop has a Asrock Z75 Pro3 mobo. I will try your solution of removing the CMOS battery and see if that changes anything. Thanks.
Jan 29, 2016
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What kind of computer is this???
Desktop, Laptop, OEM HP, Dell, ASUS, Toshiba, Sony, etc., etc.
What is the model name and model number.
IF it's a desktop, pull the CMOS battery and hold the power button for 30 seconds or so, with no AC power connected.
Put the CMOS battery back in, plug it back into the wall and power it on.

Pulled the CMOS battery out and held the power button for longer than 30 seconds with no AC power. Waited for about 5mins and then put the CMOS battery back in.

Removed the RAM Sticks and powered it back on. No beeps.

I am starting to suspect that there may also be a underlying mobo issues with Windows 10 hybernation/sleep issues.


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
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I am starting to suspect that there may also be a underlying mobo issues
That's certainly a possibility. Could also be a power supply issue.
No beeps is certainly a concern. Does it have onboard diagnostic lights? Maybe check your documentation for the motherboard.
Jan 29, 2016
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That's certainly a possibility. Could also be a power supply issue.
No beeps is certainly a concern. Does it have onboard diagnostic lights? Maybe check your documentation for the motherboard.

No lights. Will have a look into this tomorrow morning now and will provide with an update. Thanks ever so much for your replies so far.

Much appreciated.
Jan 29, 2016
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This morning my desktop started as normal as I thought it may do...last night I had tried removing the CMOS battery so when it started I had to set the time etc.

Once I was in I tried the powercfg -h off and then restarted using shutdown -r -t 1 ...

Now I am back the problem where I was yday...that it...fans etc turn on but nothing else...I will have to wait for a few hours before my computer starts again...

I tried starting it up with and without GPU and outcome is the same every time so...

I think its mobo or possibly power issue...
Oct 1, 2014
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Anytime someone mentions they have to wait some period of time for something to work, the first thing I think of is a capacitor is holding some voltage which could be causing a problem. So there is a chance a motherboard situation could be involved. If it isn't a voltage, it may be a heat problem.

I would remove anything not essential, including hard drives. Then boot to something like an Ubuntu DVD and run it for a while to see how it reacts.

Do you have a speaker connected to the motherboard?

If a system will only start the Fans and lights, it would be similar to the special power for the processor was not connected. Since yours in intermittent, it may be a power supply or motherboard situation.

If you were to determine after testing it was an OS problem, during sleep and hibernation, the current state is written to the hard drive and that file is read when the system wakes. How the system recovers in part of the BCD Store. If that file was corrupted and doing forced power downs could do that, it may create some problems. So, as has probably been suggested, a reinstall is advisable once you determine you are not having hardware problems.
Jan 29, 2016
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I have been running the computer since noon now. No problem at all. Have even managed to download Windows 10 for clean OS installation.

But I know for a fact that as soon as I restart to boot from USB for clean installation it won't start at all...for at least couple of hours... Then when it does start, I shall finish the clean installation of the OS to see if that solves the problem.

Yes, I do have speakers connected to the motherboard and even when the computer is shut, I feel like the speakers are actually "on"... until I completely remove the AC power.
Oct 1, 2014
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When I say speaker, I mean the one connected directly to the motherboard, not an external one. I don't remember what that is called, but if you aren't hearing beeps you may not have a device which can produce those sounds. I will check your motherboard to see if you have those connections. A case for a homebuilt will normally have such a speaker included but does need to be hooked up.

But I know for a fact that as soon as I restart to boot from USB for clean installation it won't start at all...for at least couple of hours... Then when it does start, I shall finish the clean installation of the OS to see if that solves the problem.

I don't think the OS has much to do with this situation. If you were to be using a UEFI system, there may be a situation where a driver in the firmware is causing problems, but that is not likely in this case.

Last edited:
Jan 29, 2016
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Hi All,

I manage to do a clean installation of Windows 10. This seems to have solved the problem i.e. I am able to get restart and shutdown without any issue.

I am hoping it stays that way.

Also, Saltgrass, I currently don't have anything hooked up to number 18 pins (Chassis Speaker Header) that would explain why I am not getting beeps.
Jan 29, 2016
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Spoke to soon. Had turned off the computer whilst I had gone out for shopping. Came back and turned it on...

All fans stared up...then CPU fan stalled before restarting and now blank.

Same problem as before...:(
Jan 29, 2016
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I think you have a hardware issue

I think so too. I have been trying to find out what hardware it is...

Because of this shutdown and not starting up issue...my current pattern is to start the desktop only once and shut it down when going to sleep... This gives the desktop enough time to start up again....

Not sure why it would start up straight away after shut down...

Motherboard, Intel processot or PSU at fault. Have already tested RAM and GPU...both seem fine.
Jul 31, 2015
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Possibly the power supply needing to cool or properly power off. I had an old PC that would run fine until I shut it down - after which the P/S didn't have enough oomph to power up the disks. You could have an issue with one of the voltage lines not powering back on - thus stopping the CPU from starting, but still allowing the fans to come on.

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