SOLVED Anyone have a new Surface Pro 6?

Oct 1, 2014
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Some of the folks with these units are saying their Facial Rec. does not function. I don't have one but I was wondering if anyone else could verify the problem and what Win 10 build was running.

I remember my Dell system did not come with the Infrared camera enabled. It wasn't until the Build upgrade last April that it turned on.. Possibly, the same thing is going on here.

Oct 1, 2014
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Thanks for the response but the link was for the 4 version.

The situation is some folks with the 6 version are finding some of their security devices are not functioning and are returning them for another Surface Pro 6.

Since the system just started shipping after the release of the new build in October, I thought there may be a possibility the problem was the new build not being available rather than a problem with the computer. But nothing I can do since I don't have one and don't have room for any more systems right now.. ;)
Apr 22, 2017
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Like I said Saltgrass, I couldn't find any reference to the Pro 6 version that is why I posted the link about Pro 4. I wouldn't buy one anyway, they are like Apple devices, look pretty but are overpriced imo. :):):)
Oct 1, 2014
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I usually like to stay up with new devices and capabilities. But you are correct in that the Surface Pro 6 can be expensive, depending how it is configured. This year they are coming with Win 10 Home, not Pro as in previous versions.

But the battery situation seems to be a large problem. I don't really want a system that has to be exchanged in order to replace the battery...

Thanks for the feedback.
Apr 22, 2017
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Hi Saltgrass,

when you consider that they (both Apple and MS devices) both have the same components that a normal PC/Laptop has (except the mobo's ), they are waaaayyyyy overpriced, installing extra RAM or larger SSD's or a more powerful CPU will cause the consumer to sell a kidney or two to pay for it, for instance, I could build a better version of the IMac Pro for a quarter of the price and it would still be faster!. :):):)

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