Blank screen prevents restart from sleep mode

Jan 24, 2016
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I had an initial fault with Windows 10 where the start button disappeared so to switch it off I used Alt/F4. That brought up a small screen that allowed me to shut down . The next time I tried it I looked at a couple of options and chose sleep mode...Big mistake. I cannot wake up the screen at all, the computor itself will switch on and off mit the power switch but nothing appears on the screen, it is blank. I am therefore using another computer to post this. Anyone have any Ideas?? I have tried hitting various buttons on the keyboard to no avail. Thanks.....Jonem
Jan 24, 2016
Reaction score
Have similar problem. Got a kernel error, running Windows 10. System shut itself down so as to restart, however when I turn pc back on I only get a blank screen with a backlight.
It sounds like it's rebooting but it never gets me any further than that - so don't even get the chance of running in safe mode etc.


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
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You can try holding the power button down for a little longer, maybe a count of ten or so to see if that will fully shut down the machine.
Depending on what type of machine it is (laptop or desktop) you may have to remove any source of AC power (including the battery if it is a laptop), then hold the power button for 20 or 30 seconds to completely discharge any residual energy stored in the capacitors.
Replace the battery, plug it back in to an AC power source and see if it will start.
On some Dell desktops I have even had to remove the CMOS battery from the motherboard just to get it to POST again. This is not practical in the case of most laptops as the Real Time Clock / CMOS battery is often soldered to the motherboard and impossible to remove.

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