I've just discovered something a little worrying.
In the last couple of months my PC has been consitantly, and over multiple addresses, has been send and recieving packets of data from ***.compute.amazonwas even when I'm not using any programs.
I do not use any cloud services so I am a a loss as to why these connections are being made.
Even more worrying, to me a least, is that if I open any program windows will open at least 3 connections to compute.amazonaws, presumably to report my status?
In nearly all connections the received packets are greater than the outgoing connections.
Tried to use Bitdefender firewall to block the connections, which is a bit of a hassle as you have take an address like ec2-52-26-20-242.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com and convert it to 52-26-20-242, but the connections ignore the firewall rules.
Have searched the web for a way to stop these hundreds of different addresses being made but to know avail.
Any of you knowledgeable people know what is going on? Anybody known how to block all conections (in/out) being made with .compute.amazonaws?
I've just discovered something a little worrying.
In the last couple of months my PC has been consitantly, and over multiple addresses, has been send and recieving packets of data from ***.compute.amazonwas even when I'm not using any programs.
I do not use any cloud services so I am a a loss as to why these connections are being made.
Even more worrying, to me a least, is that if I open any program windows will open at least 3 connections to compute.amazonaws, presumably to report my status?
In nearly all connections the received packets are greater than the outgoing connections.
Tried to use Bitdefender firewall to block the connections, which is a bit of a hassle as you have take an address like ec2-52-26-20-242.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com and convert it to 52-26-20-242, but the connections ignore the firewall rules.
Have searched the web for a way to stop these hundreds of different addresses being made but to know avail.
Any of you knowledgeable people know what is going on? Anybody known how to block all conections (in/out) being made with .compute.amazonaws?