SOLVED Creating email accounts

Feb 14, 2016
Reaction score
Strange thing on my HP23 with W10. My Gmail account that I created a few years back somehow is now not syncing with my account. I tried going to settings and the accounts but when I did that, not a single account even showed up.
Went back to the mail and tried to set up a new Gmail account and went through all the steps only to find the account set up taking 15 minutes to do nothing (like the old hourglass turning and turning). I finally quit the process. Anybody have any ideas of how to get the accounts syncing like they should? I can get them on my ipad and on my phone but the HP seems to displeased to retrieve my gmail.
Feb 14, 2016
Reaction score
I don't know if this has really solved the problem; however, in trying to change the accounts by opening the mail icon then going to the account settings and trying to add a new gmail account (using my same gmail address), I found an old password on the account. Why it was using that, I don't know because I had changed that password a couple iterations ago. At any rate, put the new password in and saved. Again, it seemed to take forever to update but after about 30 minutes I came back my emails are there.


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
Thanks for the follow-up info.
Much appreciated.
Surprised that you weren't getting some error message or a prompt to enter the correct password
Feb 14, 2016
Reaction score
Quite honestly, I am surprised as well. Then again, I haven’t been on the desktop in a few days. My question is more why was there an old password in the account settings and why when I use the settings gear, then accounts, then email accounts there is nothing in that box. Two ways to do the same thing and both of them had problems.
I could go back with a system restore but I don’t really care to do that.

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