File History failure

Nov 10, 2015
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My first file history was damaged and lost.
Now, no matter what I want to save, It puts back the old & obsolete list. It does not save the files correctly. The include, exclude options do not work properly.

Is there a way to completely wipe out File history's history and start completely Fresh?
Oct 1, 2014
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There is a File History Backup Log which may contain info about the problem.

Have you deleted or moved the old copy of the backup or changed the drive the History is created on?

Are you able to turn off File History?

I don't know why your system is acting up but it would make sense something had gotten corrupted. I will check or perhaps someone else would know if there was a way to reinstall or repair that utility.
Feb 18, 2016
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I would think turning off File History would delete the current list, similar to turning off Restore.
Nov 10, 2015
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The file history log did not describe a related problem. It was limited to individual file problems.

At this point I have deleted every back up made by file history and any backup reference that I can find on the C:\Drive in the attempt to destroy the backup history.

I have not deleted the actual file history executable program in System 32.

Yes, I can turn on/off file history

The program appears to be working (except that It won't "forget" old back up sources. It ran all night but copied only a couple of small folders.

I am sure that I caused it to have a serious corruption. It is working ok on two other computers.

I solved the problem when I found out that I qualify for a free download of WD Smartware. Now it is not a critical issue for me.

Thank you very much for your response and assistance.

Oct 1, 2014
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My file history just tried to do a scheduled backup and I had disconnected the drive so I got a notification.

I tried turning off File History but it still showed the disconnected drive. I found an option which stated you had to remove the old drive before you could assign a new one. So I connected the old drive and removed it and never set up a new location. The old files are still on the original drive but I can now select another location if I want.

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