Hi I'm here to hopefully make a difference to the forum!

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Jan 22, 2018
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I'd ponder a guess at about two dozen regular members.
Thanks for your reply friend. I haven't seen that many, but I haven't been here that long. Two dozen should be plenty to answer all the threads and no one should have to wait hours for a reply to their issue. ROFL.
I'll stop hogging the unanswered threads when the two dozen start replying to the members asking for help. LOL
PS I better cool this before I get thrown out.
Apr 22, 2017
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HI Gary and welcome,

just do your best, I don't have all the answers myself and often leave the forum without giving an answer. I have a problem with a replacement DVD drive at the mo myself, the drive works mechanically but when I try to boot from the drive, the PC restarts?.

Do what you can, write a how-to, there is more than enough for you to do here. :):):)

I respond sometimes without even really having an answer, clutching at straws I guess?. :rolleyes:
Jan 22, 2018
Reaction score
Thanks @Wolfie You just made my day. I'm afraid I don't have a suggestion for your DVD drive. I use a external DVD drive. It works great. They aren't that expensive. I just have a old Toshiba laptop. Not smart enough to write how-to,s.
Maybe some day I'll give that a try.


Mar 4, 2016
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PS I just witnessed a staff member logged on the forum and there were two unanswered threads. They left and there were still two unanswered threads, so I answered one of them.

That may have been me you saw.

For the Record when I offer help its because I believe I have a solution that will in deed help, as opposed to trying one of the many options Google may offer for a single problem.

When I log on my first priority is to check for current threads I've responded to, to check whether or not the person with the Question has found my information helpful, or whether I need to provide more help.

I then check the Moderator section to check for messages awaiting approval for public viewing.

I will then check the latest posts to make sure they are within the Forum Rules. Occasionally we get hit with people advertising as opposed to helping or seeking help, some of which is false ads for fake antivirus software. As a Moderator I need to deal with these before I can start looking at the latest questions.

I do my best to give reliable answers to peoples questions, but if I view a question I am unable to answer, I leave the thread alone, as I see no point in giving someone false hope someone has posted an answer - as opposed to a message like Sorry I don't know the answer - hang in their till someone else reads your post.

So far as Stepping on toes goes, I'm not impressed to see a new member seeming to whinge about who does what here, when and how fast. You are welcome to respond to any thread you feel you can contribute an answer to, or make any comment you wish in the General Forum where members can discuss off topic subjects, share a joke, etcetera.

Nice to see you fix computers for free in the Retirement Village - that is very kind of you. Likewise, all help offered in this Forum is FREE!

If their is a particular subject you really enjoy and think would help others here, feel free to create an Article in the User Contributed Article section.

Welcome to our Forum garybear.


Apr 22, 2017
Reaction score
I just heard from the EBay seller that he is sending a replacement as I am more than convinced that the drive is defective, it won't work on an USB external burner either!. The existing drive on the same IDE cable works fine (apart from the fact that button doesn't work!). :)
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Jan 22, 2018
Reaction score
Wow I'm over come by the responses I'm getting to this thread. You have also made this old man's day @Regedit32
I'm sure you have a lot to do maintaining this forum. You are appreciated sir!
@bassfisher6522 is going to be real jealous about all the attention I'm getting. I'm going to be good now.
Thanks! You all made my day!
Jan 22, 2018
Reaction score
I told you, we're a friendly forum. That's why I love following this group of forum members, from one forum to the next.
You were right my friend. Thank you for inviting me! I'm really enjoying this forum. Good honest and friendly people here. Also some really smart people. I'm going to hang around as long as I'm welcomed here;)
Thanks @clifford_cooley I see great things happening for this forum in the future. It will grow and the word will get out. I'm hoping to be apart in all that!
Sep 26, 2017
Reaction score
I just heard from the EBay seller that he is sending a replacement as I am more than convinced that the drive is defective, it won't work on an USB external burner either!. The existing drive on the same IDE cable works fine (apart from the fact that button doesn't work!). :)
As for the button not working, I have a couple of nice HP desktops [SFF] Upgraded from Win7 to Win10 and one has the same problem. This may not be quite accurate describing the use but it turns out HP uses an additional cable to some of their drives that activates the outside button to press the button on the drive to open the tray along with the cover over it, without that cable [2-wire plugged into the drive] the open/shut button doesn't work. A Search on the 'net for the HP Replace With number on a sticker on the drive gets results but so far they are about twice the price of a 'standard' OEM drive. For now I'm using an OEM drive and a piece of tape to open that cover then I can press the eject button.
Apr 22, 2017
Reaction score
Hi @Bighorn ,

the DVD drive in question is not on my HP rig but an old PC I am working on (refurbish and donate PC thingy), thanks for the info though, I appreciate it. :)

Now we must stop hi-jacking Gary's thread, we will make him angry and he will leave the forum!. LOL!. :):):):)
Jan 22, 2018
Reaction score
You all can Hi-jack any thread I create. You are great people and I appreciate each and everyone of you. I'm not planning on leaving any time soon. You have made this old man's day, so Hi-Jack away. Thanks new friends.
A special thanks to my friend @clifford_cooley for inviting me to join here!
The next thing we will hear is "Get A room" ROFL
Jan 22, 2018
Reaction score
Thanks for the likes. @Wolfie You are appreciated. I don't get a lot of likes. I'm really a likeable guy;) Just a little obnoxious at times. LOL. I'll try to do better in the future.
Apr 22, 2017
Reaction score
The likes are free, the hugs and kicks to the groin will cost you!. LOL :):):)
Jan 25, 2018
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I am actually quite surprised to read several staff members discourage postings that link other forums but guess what folks? There are other forums out there and I would never admit that posting links to other solutions on other forums might lose your forum members because if the link solved the issue it would be illegal not to post the source as we all know, and the real issue is solving the problem I should hope not preserving your forum population because again guess what? The way to build your forum, the very best way is to solve user's issues. Hopefully we all get that.

I am staff management on another forum and if I saw staff members making a statement discouraging links to other forums that actually solve issues, I would remove the staff member because solving the problem should be "job 1" IMHO.
Jan 25, 2018
Reaction score
Thanks for the likes. @Wolfie You are appreciated. I don't get a lot of likes. I'm really a likeable guy;) Just a little obnoxious at times. LOL. I'll try to do better in the future.
People that try very hard to help other people should be highly likeable and you fit that bill Gary in my book!


Oct 27, 2013
Reaction score
I've just been alerted to reported PMs sent from Garybear to another forum member and I've had to take the step of banning him due to their content. It looks like personal grievances from other forums have been carried over here, which isn't acceptable.
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