L'espace de mon disque dur diminue tout seul !!

Dec 6, 2015
Reaction score
tout marche quasiment pout le mieux... En effet, cela fait 5j que j'ai remarqué que l'espace de mon disque dur diminuait tout seul. J'ai perdu 10GO à 15go en 3j !!! D'ou cela peut venir ?
j'ai rien installer
meme apres le nettoyage le capacité diminu et remonte tou seul
help svp merci :)


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
Hello Samir and welcome to the forum.
This being, largely an English speaking forum we are somewhat limited in our ability to help, based on the availability of translators.
BING Translator
everything almost works best pout... This indeed 5 days I noticed that my hard disk space decreased alone. I've lost 10 GB to 15 GB in 3D! Hence it may come?
I have no install
even after cleaning the capacity decreased and only dates tou
help please thank you
Google Translator
almost everything works best pout ... Indeed, this 5d that I noticed that the space on my hard drive decreased alone. I lost 10GB to 15GB in 3d !!! Hence it may come?
I install anything
even after cleaning the decreased capacity and dates back tou only
please help thank you
As you can see neither seem to be very accurate, but the gest seems to be that you have lost some available free space on your hard drive. Presumably as a result of the upgrade.

First be advised, be careful as to what you clean and how you clean it.
There may be a couple folders on your drive that are accounting for much of your additional consumed usage, Windows.OLD as well as $Windows.~BT, and $Windows.~WS.
These folders or at least two of them are required to support your ability to revert back to your previous Operating System should you desire to do so.
You have a month to do that if you need to and I believe that after that time, Windows 10 will magically make at least two of them disappear. You may want to wait until you are certain that you are happy with the results of the upgrade before then.

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