Linux looks like Windows now

Oct 31, 2015
Reaction score
I have not been very active here lately and the reason is I got bit by the Linux bug. I have been familiarizing myself with Linux Mint 17.3 "Rosa" Cinnamon. That's a mouth full. I have dialed it in and am as happy with it as I was with Windows 10. The new Mint makes it very easy for non tech people to operate and there are forums to help. The first thing I had to do was to make it look like Windows 10 and succeeded. I have a 40" monitor/tv which I view from the couch so had to enlarge everything to keep from squinting. Here is a screenshot of the finished product which was easily done by the way. I am typing this post from Cinnamon right now. The Menu (Start) is awesome too but I can not produce a shot of it but it has a slick appearance which I prefer to Windows 10. The only thing I have not resolved is that the wireless printer I have (Canon) requires some complicated fix to make it work. I have a Windows 10 pc standing by just for printing. Everything else works fine for me. There are some things which people with graphics cards for example have to rectify but that kind of stuff is no harder than what I have been through with Windows 10. O, did I mention, it is absolutely free.

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Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
No doubt about it. It's a very nice OS.
I've personally grown fond of the MATE environment and haven't really looked into Cinnamon lately.
I noticed it appears that you have kept the Green-ish theme, have you played around with theme options?
Oct 31, 2015
Reaction score
No doubt about it. It's a very nice OS.
I've personally grown fond of the MATE environment and haven't really looked into Cinnamon lately.
I noticed it appears that you have kept the Green-ish theme, have you played around with theme options?
Yes, The theme is not the default and of course the green Linux Mint Forum screen is their choice. I have only had it for a few days which proves how easy it is to operate. I have already been threatened by one moderator on a Ubuntu forum for forum abuse so have been creating waves over there. I guess that is part of the learning curve.
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Mar 29, 2015
Reaction score
Most Browsers look the same in any OS. I was always keen to KDE. May try it again.

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