My Windows 10 Home will not allow me to create the group/user name Everyone and apply permissions to it. It get part way through applying permissions, then says can't apply, but allows you to move on applying more permissions, and then says Access Denied and stops. The same occurs to Authenticated Users. The operating system has created the user, but all check boxes are are unchecked. When you apply permissions the same occurs as above.
Because of this all the PC in the network can see this PCs, but can't read or write - zero access to the one windows 10 computer that I can't apply permissions to.
How can I fix this issue and make it accessible to the network PCs?
Because of this all the PC in the network can see this PCs, but can't read or write - zero access to the one windows 10 computer that I can't apply permissions to.
How can I fix this issue and make it accessible to the network PCs?