New Windows 10 update - my solitaire (freecell) game has disappeared

Aug 30, 2017
Reaction score
As when Windows 10 was introduced, with this new update my favourite version of freecell has disappeared and I hate the new gaudy coloured, noisy versions on offer. How can I restore my old one please??


Mar 4, 2016
Reaction score
Hi Sallyann,

Welcome to the Forum.

If you are referring to the Freecell game that came with Windows 7 or Windows 8.1, then you'll need to download a third party installer to get it back. I cannot guarantee the program, and would strongly advise checking it with antivirus software before running it.


Alternatively, if you have access to a Windows 7 image file, you could probably extract the Freecell executable and its MUI, paste them to C:\Windows\System32, and the EN-US (or whatever language you have installed), then modify the Registry to point the path to the older executable.

When I get some time I'll see if I can create some one off downloads to allow users to install one off apps, subject to Ian's approval as he is the Site Owner.

Note: The link above installs all the old games and in its zipped form is 146 MB, so if you are on a metered connection keep that in mind before downloading. Also, as already stated --- run antivirus scan on download before extracting or running!

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