SOLVED open source office suites.

Jul 24, 2015
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Speaking of wordpad that was part of my frustration. I was trying to create a .docx document and it always showed up as wordpad. The eventual solution was AbiWord.
Jul 24, 2015
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Talking about all this office oriented stuff reminds me of a brief fling I had with excel and some checkbook templates. What I found out is that even the most sophisticated computer can't compete with the ease and simplicity of a ball point pen and a pocket calculator.
Jun 24, 2015
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hey i remember those days and then before.
i learned on the original calculator the slide rule and had to use trig tables in the back of the math books. hell i learned how vacuum tubes worked when i was in high school.
man i still have my first heathkit am radio i built in the 1960s and yes it still works.
the good old days when things were simple and life was easy.

the poorguy
Nov 19, 2013
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Hey. I built a Hi-Fi amp from Heathkit Well, Hi-fi in those days. Stereo and a piffling 5watts.
But, I was tossed in to the Excel program due to a little business my wife and I started, and the required tax returns. I must confess that I found it almost as good as playing an on line game,trying to figure out how to manipulate calculations. What a joy when I got it right! For some years after that my wife just typed in figures and out came the result. Seemed to satisfy the tax people so I guess I got it right!

Anyone remember Wordstar? My first word processor.
Jul 24, 2015
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Was that Heathkit by any chance an AR-3 short wave from 550 AM to 30 MC (not MHZ)? I built one of those as well as a crystal radio on a Quaker oatmeal cereal box with a single earpiece headset.
Just as an aside, I was familiar with ham radio but never got a license or learned Morse code.
Jun 24, 2015
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it was just a 6 transistor portable am radio from heathkit.

well a decision has been made on what office suite to install office 365.
wife can get it free though her school.

the poorguy
Jul 24, 2015
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6 transistors? That was a classic. What was the nickname of the 5 tube that preceded transistors? I remember reading that there was no such thing as an intermittent transistor. It was either functional or not- no in between. Tell that to anybody who worked with them. Slide rules? Been there too. Does the word interpolation bring back memories? Sort of like SWAG in today's terms.
Jun 24, 2015
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6 transistors? That was a classic. What was the nickname of the 5 tube that preceded transistors? I remember reading that there was no such thing as an intermittent transistor. It was either functional or not- no in between. Tell that to anybody who worked with them. Slide rules? Been there too. Does the word interpolation bring back memories? Sort of like SWAG in today's terms.

AA5 better known as all American five.

we should move this to off topic.

the poorguy
Jun 24, 2015
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it happens.

yeah talking about spread sheets the wife does lots of that at her job and it just confuses the hell out of me. she knows more about all of these office suites than I will ever know. i am glad they open documents on there own.

just got done installing office 365 and boy is it different from what i remember office 2010 being. i will figure it out.

the poorguy
Nov 4, 2015
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Well. Disregard my path lol. I am, by hobby and interest and, I could say, unpaid work, , a testing nerd. I install and uninstall different software, including OSs, countless times a month. keeps me young(er)

I have tried all the respected brands of Word processors. Word. Abi. Open Office. :Libre Office, even Wordperfect

I have not experienced any conflicts, but, I have never had more than a couple on at any time.
My main interest, for all software, is promoting, what I regard, as efficient, but free programs. There is almost, somewhere around, a free version of most things the average user needs on a computer.

Thank you. So just to clarify, you found that you could run a version of WordPerfect on Windows 10?

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