Performance is too slow.

Sep 10, 2015
Reaction score
i have upgraded my windows from 7 to 10,. at first the performance was quite great , but a month after these problem occurs.

1. it keep freezing everytime i open any application. the performance is too slow.
2. i can't even open the windows store, sometime it open but keep on loading then suddenly automatic close.

this was happened when the rollback to previous windows is no longer available. and i have no choice coz i don't want to install again another windows.

please i need help.


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
Make sure all Windows Updates are installed and current.
Make sure all Store Updates are installed and current.
Run Check Disk against the System drive (all partitions) and any other drives attached to the system.
Run Defrag against the System drive
Check with the computer manufacturer and or the specific device manufacturer to make sure that all your device drivers are up to date, especially Chipset, BIOS, Video, Audio.
Perform a Clean Boot
To determine if there are third party software product that are impacting system performance.

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