Preparing Emergency Repairs

Jan 25, 2018
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When turning on my HP laptop my screen read Preparing Emergency Repairs and it froze the screen. After 20 mins nothing happened so I turned it off. Turned back on again, still the same. Turned it off, took out battery, let it set for 30 mins. still remains the same. What can I do?


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
My advice would be to just leave it alone and see what happens. All day and all night if necessary. I found that on some occasions the process can take hours (4 or more) not minutes.
Does your laptop have a hard disk activity light? IF so does it show activity (flashing)?
When you say it "froze the screen"..... does that mean that you see something that should indicate activity like the spinning circle of dots and it halts with only a semi-circle of dots frozen on the screen? A blank or black screen does not necessarily always mean that nothing is going on.

You may need a second working computer to download the installation ISO from Microsoft and to create installation media from that ISO in order to boot the system from that installation media and use advanced troubleshooting options from there to attempt to further the process by performing a manual
Startup Repair
System Restore
Go back to previous build
Jan 25, 2018
Reaction score
While I'm no computer genius, just by accident I found a remedy, so I reset my computer. I had to reload the apps that I had installed. One problem, I have windows 10 and the main windows 10 screen did not come back, only the side menu with all the information for windows 10 and all the programs within windows ten. Don't know how to get the main windows screen back, but the computer is working good.


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
Glad to hear that you are at least back up and running.
the main windows 10 screen did not come back, only the side menu with all the information for windows 10 and all the programs within windows ten
Not sure what you are describing ast the "main windows 10 screen"??
Perhaps you mean the typical desktop display??
IF so then, maybe you are may have either "Tablet Mode" toggled on or else "Use Start full screen" slider turned on.
You may want to check those two items
Explain in a bit more detail what you are referring to as "main windows 10 screen"

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