Restart/Install took 1.5 hours. Shut down while installing and can't system restore. Desktop is not accessible on regular start up.

Jun 4, 2019
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Hello everyone,

I am new to my first professional job and my personal msi laptop that I now use for work is not working. I spent a lot of time last week installing new software onto my reliable 3year old computer. While I was restarting my computer to finish a software install that was less than 7 gb this last Friday, the screen continued to say, 'updating your computer please be patient and don't shut down your computer during updates'. So I waited for 75-80 minutes during work before becoming impatient and shutting down my laptop.

The log in page looks fine, but once I log in the entire screen is black except for the black windows bar with icons that I cannot click on or access. An error reads c:\windows\system32\config\systemprofile\desktop is not accessible. Access is denied.
I cannot get anything to work or come up regularly, except for task manager which says that nothing is running.

My safe mode is not responding correctly either. I cannot access the windows bar or other applications.

I attempted to do every system restore and system image recovery possible but continued to get the same error: an unspecified error occurred during system restore (0x80070003). I've gone through many solutions (cmd disk drive check, sfc/scannow run as administrator, etc.) to try and figure out what I did but I'm really worried that I spent the weekend trying to fix this and came up with no results. I believe my local c ssd hard drive, (1 250gb ssd and 1 750gb sata drive in laptop), is not working because of my premature shutdown.

Will I need to reset my PC and save all my files on a hard drive like I had a coworker suggest? I'm an engineer but not very computer savvy so any suggestions are welcome on how to fix this issue. Thanks everyone.



Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
Will I need to reset my PC and save all my files on a hard drive like I had a coworker suggest?
That may be something you will need to consider
Before you do, see if you can launch an elevated command prompt.
IF nothing is responding to mouse clicks you can try launching Task Manager by selecting it from the menu after striking Ctrl + Alt + Delete keys simultaneously.
Use the File option from the menu bar in task manager to "Run new task" and simply type
Hit enter or click OK
Scroll down to cmd.exe (if you are hiding file extensions it might only say cmd)
Right click that and choose "Run as administrator" from the context menu.
In the administrative command prompt box type
Net user administrator /active:yes
Hit enter
Hopefully you'll see something like "command completed successfully".
exit the command prompt and reboot your computer
Log on as administrator when your computer restarts

IF using the Administrator's profile seems to work and allow you to do most things (some windows apps won't run under the admin account)
We can assume that for some reason your profile is corrupt as indicated in your OP
An error reads c:\windows\system32\config\systemprofile\desktop is not accessible.
and you'll need to create a new user as a member of the local administrators group and then transfer all your critical data from your old profile folders into the same place in your new profile's containers.

See if any of that works for you.
I'm a little concerned as the error mentions the "systemprofile" folder rather than a named profile

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