Sick and tired of not being able to not download Win 10

Jul 30, 2015
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I have an older laptop that Windows itself says is not suitable for Win 10. It keeps trying to download it whenever I try to install Win 7 updates. I have uninstalled every update to Win 7 that is suppose to stop this, and made a change or 2 to the registry that I found, but nothing stops it from downloading when trying to update Window . I am right now going ahead with the updates of which the Win 10 is the first thing that downloads. If it installs and screws up my laptop can I sue Microsoft?? Kind of joking, but am sick and tired of fighting the download and maybe the install.


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
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I've used this article and the GWX Control Panel shown in the article and then the Registry Key mentioned down further in the article mentioned in "Step 2"
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\ Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate
32-bit DWORD called DisableOSUpgrade on the right-hand side, and give it a value of 1.

The combination of the two has worked for me.
Might be worth giving it a try.

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