System freezing after updating to Creator's build

Feb 22, 2014
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7 full days up time.

Task Manager.png

Strange how the PC didn't freeze until an update from 1607 to 1703. And then again after an update from my backup of 1511 to 1607. With a glitch in my machine, I'm surprised it didn't freeze before either of the two updates. In any case I'm still running the same build 1607 that was freezing before removing a wireless card and cleaning out the dust. Haven't had a freeze since the cleaning.
Apr 12, 2015
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Some of you may remember I was having issues with my machine freezing. Since I replaced the RAM modules, I've not had any freezing. That was several months ago now. I updated to the Creator's build three night ago and my machine has now frozen twice.

I'm starting to wonder if I need to do a clean install. If anyone has any suggestions other than a clean install, I'm listening.
Well, I was having intermittent freezing before installing the Creators build but have had only one since that installation. The freezes I had would unfreeze if I waited a few minutes. Microsoft told me my current motherboard and processor were OK for Windows 7 but not for the Creators build of Windows 10 Pro. However, I haven't had a freeze in over a week now.
Jun 20, 2016
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Some of you may remember I was having issues with my machine freezing. Since I replaced the RAM modules, I've not had any freezing. That was several months ago now. I updated to the Creator's build three night ago and my machine has now frozen twice.

I'm starting to wonder if I need to do a clean install. If anyone has any suggestions other than a clean install, I'm listening.
Check the ram timing in the bios it may have changed during the update
Jun 20, 2016
Reaction score
Some of you may remember I was having issues with my machine freezing. Since I replaced the RAM modules, I've not had any freezing. That was several months ago now. I updated to the Creator's build three night ago and my machine has now frozen twice.

I'm starting to wonder if I need to do a clean install. If anyone has any suggestions other than a clean install, I'm listening.

Also if your using Mozilla its having problems accessing some sites as they have stopped using adobe flash and somthing else and its annoying.
Feb 22, 2014
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Finally received a popup (about privacy settings for the install) for Windows installing Creators Update. Lets hope the glitch I had doesn't cause system freezing this time. I don't think it will.
Apr 12, 2015
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Some of you may remember I was having issues with my machine freezing. Since I replaced the RAM modules, I've not had any freezing. That was several months ago now. I updated to the Creator's build three night ago and my machine has now frozen twice.

I'm starting to wonder if I need to do a clean install. If anyone has any suggestions other than a clean install, I'm listening.

I started having freezes that cleared automatically after a few minutes in Windows 10 Pro a couple months prior to the Creators release. The problem continued into the Creators build, and so I called Microsoft and was told I needed a new motherboard and processor. Shortly after that call, the freezes stopped. For what it's worth, the freezes stopped after my Trend Micro software (recommended by Microsoft) subscription ended, and I switched to Windows Defender.

Could Trend Micro have had anything to do with the freeze? I certainly can't say for sure Trend Micro was the cause. However in the same time frame, my Android smartphone running Android 5.0.2 (Lollipop) began having trouble with the Outlook app. After doing a Factory Reset twice, I got the bright Idea (duh) to remove Outlook and use the e-mail app that came with the phone (@ Email). All my problems stopped and haven't returned. Just sayin"...
Feb 22, 2014
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I do use Windows Defender. I don't use Windows 10 Mail.

Microsoft telling you that a new motherboard and processor, sounds like a cookie cutter response from someone that doesn't know anything else to say. Makes you wonder if they would have anything to say at all if you did have new hardware. Damned idiots! Don't ever waste your time calling MS over PC problems. They will only try and sell you new, or happily run your phone bill up. Microsoft is not in business to solve your problems, no matter how much they want you to believe they are.


Noob Whisperer
Nov 19, 2013
Reaction score
Check for updates both Windows and the Store.
Make sure everything is completely up to snuff.

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